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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hold This


  1. Haha....so true! Our president is a coward.

  2. He is a coward and more. Why the general public who still plan to vote for this lying, cheating empty suit beats me. It's like he can do no wrong in their eyes!
    In my heart, I feel he is a communist!

  3. 8:53 his grand parents were communist, his so called dad was a communist, his mentor(Frank Marshall Davis) was a communist. He sought out the Markist professors and students in college. And 3/4 of his cabinet are admitted communist or had immediate family members that were communist. Now I don't know what would make your heart feel he was a communist. Do you?

  4. Yeah, go ahead Hillary...then use it on his stump!

  5. Reminds me of Condaleeza Rice taking the blame for no WMD in Irag for Bush...Scapegoat is "other duties as assigned..." for Sec of State...


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