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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hillary Clinton Takes Responsibility For Libya Attack

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is accepting responsibility for the fatal attack on the U.S. compound in Libya. She said requests for embassy and consulate security go to the State Department not the White House. That means the buck stops with her. Clinton made the remarks in an interview with CNN during a visit to Peru. She has asked an advisory board to investigate the conditions that led to the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador. The board is expected to release its findings next month. Meanwhile, Republicans have criticized State Department officials for calling the assault "unprecedented." It took place on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


  1. Wonder how much Obama and Biden paid her to do that. Funny it just came out since they were busted over the security issue after the vice president debate between Ryan and Biden.

  2. Why should we believe her? Hell even Dodge has a new vehicle coming out next year named after her husband. It's called the Dodge Drafter.

  3. Good one, 319! Look, she's gonna get a sound spanking for this from that "Advisory Board" she's appointed and paid with the leftover money the Fed is busy printing to keep Wall street afloat until after the election. They will not be kind to her. I'll bet she'll soon lose her job over this the day before she's appointed to one at a higher pay level!

  4. She taking the heat cuz obammy needs a scapegoat. He's got an election to win and he don't need this fiasco laying at HIS feet.

    I'm sorry but this country has gone to shit. I don't think Romney can fix it, and I know obammy can't fix it, since he is the one that made the mess.

    And I'm sick of hearing about how obammy, and others, have 'inherited' the messes when they took office.

    Even if that were true, so what? That's why obammy, and others, ran for office. To fix what was messed up in the first place.


    These are some trying times we are in. We do not need another 4 years of lies, inaction, and a weak and apologetic president.

  5. Obama had his chance of leading this nation. He failed.

    Time to hit the bricks Barry. Everything he touches turns to crap.

    Goodbye and take your prayer rug with you.

  6. We need an "American Spring" here in the US and throw all of the bastards out of office!

  7. are we belong to be happy and forget about what the dumb b done just because she's owning up to it..the media is acting like she's a hero! wow

  8. She wants a crack at 2016...why in the world would she put her reputation on the line for this scummy bastard and ruin her chance of ever becoming president? Don't get me wrong...I'm no Hillary advocate...just trying to understand her logic here.

  9. If this is the story Obama is going to stand by then the only way for him to save face is to ask her to step down due to blatent incompetence...when our ambassador is killed I think the President would be the FIRST one to know ALL the details. To just tell her that its OK she messed up is not acceptable. Thats if you believe any of what they are telling us. And I know she's gone next year anyway...

  10. She can say she's taking the blame all she wants, but ultimately the blame lies with the President, but, he thinks all of us out here are not smart enough to know that. Don't be fooled by this administration they are nothing but liars, from the top right on down.

  11. Her "Get out of jail for free" card. Look for a resignation by this time next month...then watch kerry leap forward into the limelight he's been denied...


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