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Monday, October 22, 2012

Final Presidential Debate Open Forum


  1. They have the same hair stylist!

  2. Damn Obama! Every one Romney's options are wrong! ATTITUDE!

  3. I think Obama is realizing he is losing!

  4. They act they are married, they keep over talking each other.

  5. Look at that smirk on Romney's face. He is so over Obama.

  6. How come Obama has on red trunks in this picture. Is he trying to change sides?

  7. Do you think they put them in chairs for this debate because the last one they were given bench's they looked like they were going to punch each other.

  8. Obama's current administration speaks VOLUMES as to his foreign policy... He does NOT have any record to stand behind.

    He's got to go...

  9. Too bad Romney didn't get the chance to explain the status of forces agreement.
    The troops were required to be out of Iraq by Dec 31, 2011 as per an agreement signed by Bush. Obama wanted to leave some troop there. Iraq said no. So when Obama says he ended the Iraq war he is lying again. He had zero to do with it.

  10. bob schieffer looks like kermit the frog.

  11. Hey Romney pick out the color of carpet you want because you are moving in!

  12. Women don't need to use their brain,that is what man is for. Geez LOL

  13. America's role should be to keep our nose out of everyone's elses business. That care of our child not the Worlds!

  14. We are the redheaded stepchild of the World. We are not first in any jobs, education, growth, energy production. Correction foodstamps and welfare sorry.

  15. Obama needs to stop the lying. He did not end the war in Iraq. Agreement signed by Bush had troop withdrawl by Dec 31, 2011.
    Romney needed to explain the status of forces agreement and let everyone know that Obama wanted to keep troops past the date of withdrawl but Iraq said no.

  16. I like "Dick" Chaney.

  17. What did mean about Teacher's Union behind?

  18. How did they get on the US economy and now education?

  19. You Go Romney! Kids are the future!

  20. These Dudes seriously don't like each other.

  21. Why would anybody want to be President?

  22. Mr. Hussein it's not up to the Military to ask for more money. It's up to the leadership of this country to decide what we need military wise.

  23. Obama we have focused on space long enough. IT IS BETWEEN YOUR EARS!

  24. Why is this clown constantly cutting Romney off and letting Obama spout out his lies?

  25. What website is he talking about?

  26. Obammy is trying to educate Romney on our military. He says we have ships that go under water. When did he get his military experience?

  27. Did Obama just say we are going to war to defend Israel?

  28. Romney is not on his A Game tonight.

  29. Wow how obama forgets. Sanctions were passed over his objections.

  30. The only clock that is ticking is your stay in The White House.

  31. Snap--- Obama just called Romney a liar!

  32. Obama is getting pissed! I Love IT!

  33. Didn't we all WATCH as the "apology tour" was taking place? How can it be something else NOW???

    Obama HAS made this country look weaker than ever.

  34. You can tell some of O's diatribes are memorized.

  35. Do you see another Noble Prize coming. Obama just said he pulled the World together.

  36. Good hit by R on O's apology tour

  37. Joe,

    Thanks for doing this.It is great!


  38. If I didn't know any better I would have to admit that Obama's lies sound so believable. I can see the Kool Aid drinker drooling over him now.

  39. If Romney was "all over the map" during his work for the state then what exactly was Obama??? Present??? That doesn't count for much these days.

  40. Did the moderator really just refer to Obama Bin Laden??? Too funny!

  41. Did Sheafer(sp) just say "Obama bin Ladin"?

  42. LOL 10:02. Obama thinks the presidency is like a perk that happens to come with a little bit of work once in awhile-Empty Chair.

  43. 10:11 - Glad I'm not the only one that caught that.

  44. Obama always gets stumped when it comes to China and currency manipulation. He's clueless.

  45. Wait... There was a "tire thing"?? WHAT???? Where does he pull this stuff from. MSM must have totally buried that one.

  46. Hey conservatives, that sinking feeling you have in your stomach, well, it's legit.

    Obama 2012

  47. LOL-Obama has said we have to make smart choices. This coming from someone whose track record is one of failure. Everything Obama has done has been a colossal failure.
    The end-both have similar foreign policy. Romeny won on the economics. Good thing it's over. Obama was starting to imitate Biden.

  48. Romney won. Showed he is not a war monger. He took Obama to the cleaners on the economy.

  49. Obama says he will always listen to us. Yet we are all screaming about Obamacare and he is not listening. Just another lie I guess

  50. Romney agreed with Obama on Syria, Drones, Afganistan. Never challenged him on Gitmo or Benghazi

  51. Obama was clearly annoyed once again because the reality of being lame duck president is sinking in to his so fragile brain.

  52. Romney will continue to surge.

  53. Obama just looked like another angry black man in a suit.
    Romney presidential.
    The choice is clear, if your a radical muslim sympathizing communist, vote for Obama.
    If your a welfare mom, vote for Obama. If your a Black Panther or gang banger, vote for Obama.
    If your a politically deaf dumb and blind, bleeding heart soccer mom, vote for Obama.
    If you're a patriot and you care about all of the above as Americans, Vote for Romney.

  54. obama will win , and I'm truely sorry about . It is written , the muslims will rule the world with an iron fist. If you don't convert, you will die or at least wish you were dead. Revelations being fulfilled. Sit back and enjoy the up and comming wars.

  55. Obama needs to not get into about the auto industry with Romney. This is Romney's area of expertise.
    Obama either lied (again) or is clueless (as usual) as to what Romney said he would have done-a managed bankruptcy w/the feds providing post bankruptcy financing and guarantees.
    Romney spelled this out in a Nov 2008 NY Times op-ed.
    As is the usual case Obama was unprepared. Alot of his responses were memorized and at times he struggled to remember what he was supposed to be saying. When he wasn't reciting something he had memorized. he just made up stuff in an attempt to bolster his case.

  56. romney sucks but obummer sucks even more! just a question how much of my hard earned dollars I want to keep and where I want the government to spend what they take.defense or food stamps and free phones for all those lazy ass obummer supporters?
    Guess which way I'll be voting?

  57. Game, set and match Obama.

  58. Anyone who is chanting Obama needs to more time is living under a rock.
    Obama's economic policy consists of jobs in the green energy field (we all know how that's ending up-colossal failure and billions wasted) and entitlement expansion.
    He uses the economy as an excuse to buy votes. He's convinced alot of the left that if people are getting gov't help on things such as food they will have more money to spend on other things thus stimulating the economy. And of course the all time BS line-the cell phones are a necessity for those searching for employment.
    I can't believe the Obamanistas are so stupid to fall for this crap. Any well informed, smart person can see right through Obama.
    Obama has got to get up early in the morning to fool me. I have forgotten more than he will ever hope to ever know. And so has Mitt Romney. Too bad there's 47% who aren't capable of seeing the forest through the trees.

  59. Obama's policies hurt the low and middle class. Take Cash for Clunkers. He pulled this out of some orifice claiming it would stimulate the auto industry. It didn't work and all it did was take a ton of otherwise decent cars off the road that low/middle income people who can't afford new cars could have purchased.
    He's got this "git er done" mentality and doesn't think things through.

  60. so actually 958, analysis performed by Edmunds estimated $2.5 billion net positive gain from cash for clunkers.

  61. Let's not forget the affordable heathcare act, the largest tax increase on the middle class in our history.

    I liked Romney's idea about letting the states handle healthcare. Everytime our federal government gets into any regulations, it's a tangled web of uncertain outcomes, and the roll of the dice most times leaves the taxpayers as the victims of yet another failed federal policy.

    Our elected representitives (from both sides) didn't read the bill (Three times the size of the Bible)thoroughly, nor did the supreme court, it's just another federal crap chute, with us as the test subjects.

    When in doubt, punt!

  62. 10:26

    The outcome from that cash for clunkers program has yet to yield true, actual results because it's too early to tell.

    After all those people that got loans for new cars are reassessed, because they lost thier new vehicles due to loss of their jobs, will those numbers shed the true light on the overall results of that program.

    You may feel confident as of now, until you too, lose your job. The federal government provided a way to get a new car, but they didn't provide a way to pay for it.

    What the cash for clunkers program did do, was prop up numbers for a failing auto industry, temporarily.

  63. "Anonymous said...
    so actually 958, analysis performed by Edmunds estimated $2.5 billion net positive gain from cash for clunkers.

    October 23, 2012 10:26 AM"

    Ahhh-Not exactly 10:26. Recheck your "facts." The 2 billion figure Edmunds puts out is what was paid out in rebates.
    All around Edmunds report doesn't put Cash for Clunkers in a postive light in any area.

  64. The CFC program cost the taxpayer $24,000 per car sold. The top 3 cars purchased using the CFC program voucher were Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic and Toyota Camry. So much for helping out Government Motors. Reports released estimate almost 600,000 of those who took advantage of the CFC program were going to buy a new car anyway.
    Cash for Clunkers = Colossal Failure

  65. "Our elected representitives (from both sides) didn't read the bill (Three times the size of the Bible)thoroughly, nor did the supreme court, it's just another federal crap chute, with us as the test subjects."

    No they don't read the bills. It is the "git er done" mentality and the democrats have no problem accepting this. Doesn't say much about them for not calling Perlosi out on this. That's why things are the way they are. Democrats have no problem living with second best. If you have a choice of a pile of gold in front of you or a pile of gold plate everyone would take the gold. But the dems because they want everyone to think how "inclusive" they are, will vote for Obama because of his race because it sure in hell isn't because of his brains,his honesty or his character. Why are they so worried that someone would care if they are "inclusive" or not? 47% of the voters got some kind of inferiority complex or some mental problems going on, running around worried what people might think instead of worrying about the economy, jobs, the deficit. It's nuts!


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