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Thursday, October 25, 2012

DUI Checkpoints Scheduled For Halloween Weekend

Delaware law enforcement officers statewide arrested 15 individuals for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs last weekend (Oct. 19-20). The arrests were the result of three sobriety checkpoints. This brings the total of DUI arrests under the 2012 Checkpoint Strikeforce campaign to 213. There have been over 4,000 DUI arrests made statewide since January. 



  1. HUH? I bet the stops will be Troopers dresses up as Obama's SS Guard.

  2. Just another gobment shakedown!

  3. Yeah,, a shakedown.......how dare they try to stop people from getting drunk and then driving and killing someone like they did my sister. What an idiot. It is one thing to do something stupid and injure yourself, but it is another when your bad choices can take the lives of those who do not have a choice. Chew on that for a while.

  4. They are telling people where the checkpoints will be and there will still be people driving drunk that weekend.


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