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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Donald Trump’s ‘Very Big’ Announcement

The “very big” announcement that Donald Trump promised is … an offer to donate $5 million to charity if President Obama releases his college records and applications, along with his passport records and applications. Deadline: Oct. 31 at 5 p.m.
Trump calls it “a deal that I don’t believe he can refuse.” So if this announcement disappointed you, take heart in the fact that the real estate magnate appears to be headed for an unfortunate shock. 
Asked about the reality TV mogul’s offer, Obama campaign strategist David Plouffe told a Washington Post reporter: “Direct those questions to Boston, because Trump is Mitt Romney’s biggest supporter, so he owns everything he says.”


  1. I personally don't believe that the Pres can afford to release those records this close to the election.

  2. Donald must be lacking for attention this month.

  3. I'm no lawyer, but isn't blackmailing the POTUS kind of a big deal?

  4. Extortion to donate to a charity, classy.

  5. @ 1:40pm - this is not blackmail. It is something that should be open now and the President, and those behind him have sealed. He should do this but he won't.....Obama is too afraid of what we the people will find.

  6. Won't reduce the national debt but I still think it's one hell of a generous offer!

  7. @ 1:46

    So Trump says "Show me your records or the charity doesn't get this money" and I'm supposed to think that isn't blackmail?

  8. This guy is like an attention starved child. What a jerk.

  9. It's a waste of time and money anyway because Obama would have the records changed before release.

  10. Obama will avoid any question about this from now til the election. He has no excuse for not releasing them. What does he have to hide? Think of all the good that 5 million would do for a charity. I thought when people had a degree or went to college they were suppose to be proud of it. What is he hiding.

  11. This offer isn't blackmail! Blackmail is when someone demands money from a person in return for not revealing compromising information.
    Extortion is illegally obtaining money from someone. Neither one of these fits this offer. An offer is all this is.

  12. Trump is stupid... is that the best he can do. #1jerk

  13. reminds me of Stuart on MAD TV when he said "look what I can do"!!

  14. Why is Trump stupid, 2:33? It's a very generous offer that has the potential to help alot of needy people. I guess he could do better and offer 10 million. Obama could make some charities flush in cash with a few simple motions, the same motions alot of people employeed in certain areas are required to show.

  15. stupid. Was anyone surprised by how dumb this "big announcement" was?

  16. Obama is the one who is stupid and is the GOON. Anyone who would refuse to abide by this simple request in exchange for a 5 MILLION DOLLAR donation to a charity is either hiding something or is just a common SOB.

  17. obamie couldn't produce these items for 100 million dollars.

  18. Gee, the liberals get so sensitive when someone wants normal information from this President! All past Presidents have offered this information? Why not this one, too?

    I wish just one liberal would stand up and say, "We think there's a lot of bad news in there, too, so we're going to use any excuse at all to hide it, especially before the election."

    So dishonest of them all. They know, and we know they know: if these records get out, they're toast.

  19. Oh Joe why would you cover this? Love your blog, love you running for mayor - you are so above this! I 'm beginning to believe Donald Trump is just hurting Mitt Romney chances of winning. This is just a sad man trying to get attention. Go away Donald Trump!

  20. TRUMP is the jerk??! I think an American president who has spent MILLIONS of TAXPAYERS money to hide, destroy, and SEAL (under penalty of law!) records that any other American can (and would!) produce if needed, is the real jerk. What's in his passport records that he thinks is so damaging he needs to SEAL them from us, the citizens??? WHY would he SEAL them? WHY would he seal his college application and records? C'mon. There is NO good answer to those questions. ESPECIALLY for the President!! And obama had the AUDACITY to say on 60 Minutes, in reference to Romney's taxes, that the American people "deserve to know more about a man who wants to be President of the United States." It's a wonder lightning didn't strike that buffoon. But his blind supporters saw no incongruity there??

  21. I told my wife the other day , " I don't think I've ever hated a man , until now." I really believe I hate that SOB.

  22. 3:07 I don't think Trump cares if you hate him.

  23. 3:07 Why would you HATE him? Really? I bet you can't explain yourself.

  24. there is no way around it, this is trumps grandstanding at its finest.
    HOWEVER, why SHOULDNT we know this information? anything that puts obama in a basket on his way out is fine by me!

  25. I'll show you Obama's college records if you show me Sarah Palin's High School diploma.

  26. Could it be that Obama didn't graduate? I'm sure that's not a big deal in Chicago, to claim to be a lawyer, and never graduated law school.

  27. 3:32 she already produced it. remember that was the last election and by the way it is brilliant of trump to bring this point to light again close to the election. it will remind voters of exactly who obama is or isn't

  28. WHO. CARES. Trump has always been a pompous windbag.

  29. anonymous 3:04, are you serious? Are you trying to suggest this isn't news worthy? Like Trump or not, my job is to deliver the news.

  30. Alex please tell us how you are going to get Obama's college records. You wouldn't be telling a big FAT LIE would you?

  31. Obama passed the bar exam which you could not do if you were stupid. You white boys are so afraid of black men. And I am white.

  32. >>>I'll show you Obama's college records if you show me Sarah Palin's High School diploma.<<<

    That's pretty stupid - even for you Alex.

  33. 4:00 Who cares? Go back to sticking your head in the sand. Wake up people. Obama needs to man up and release his records. We have a complete wimp and coward as president.

  34. 3:07
    Couldnt agree with you more Obama is an SOB and i hate him too!!!
    What a sorry excuse for a human being.
    He makes Hitler look like small potatoes.

  35. Why don't Donald Chump send me a check to pay off my mortgage. If Mr. Chump really want to do something good for some folks, take that 5 million dollars and put it the hands of the people who need it the most.

  36. I've been saying for years the birthers had it backwards. The President IS an American citizen. Being born of an American mother makes him so even if born on the moon.

    My GUESS: The real scandal is the President LIED on his Federal Financial Aid forms that he was a FOREIGNER. The president lied on his college applications that he was a FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT. The President received special treatment and money for LYING and in fact PERJURING himself on Federal documents.

    He can't show his college applications and his passports because they would show he claimed to be a FOREIGNER when in fact he's AMERICAN.

    He should have fessed up years ago, paid back all the money with interest, plus agreed to send 10 true needy kids to college. (since he's now a multi-millionaire)

  37. "Anonymous said...
    WHO. CARES. Trump has always been a pompous windbag.

    October 24, 2012 4:00 PM"

    WHO CARES? That's a hell of a note. Some charity has a chance to be flush with cash in exchange for a simple request and you say "WHO CARES?" If Obama doesn't take Trump up on this then he is a fraud. Anyone would jump at this chance to help out a charity unless they had something to hide.

  38. I agree with 4:58. It's apparent he is a serial liar and now with this new Benghazi revelation proving that humans are indespensible to him he is capable of anything.

  39. "Anonymous said...
    Why don't Donald Chump send me a check to pay off my mortgage. If Mr. Chump really want to do something good for some folks, take that 5 million dollars and put it the hands of the people who need it the most.

    October 24, 2012 4:55 PM"

    This is exactly what Trump is proposing. 5 million in the hands of a charity many of whom put it in the hands of the people who need it the most. Don't blame Trump. It's on Obama and not anyone else. If a charity and needy people miss out on this it's all Obama's fault! It is the least he could do after he pretty much murdered 4 Americans in Libya.

  40. 4:58 I also agree with you, which if true means the President also never signed up for selective service (required for all men born on of after Jan 1, 1960).

    That being said, I hope the President tells Trump to go pound sand.

  41. All the liberals are really fighting back on this one. What's wrong for Obama to show this information to Trump? Because he (Obama) is a FAKE, CHEAT, for sure a LIAR. Why are people supporting Obama, who could care less about them? Makes no sense to me.

  42. Maybe Mitt Romney could release his tax returns by the same deadline??

  43. 7:03
    He already did release them......then he released more of them.

  44. 7:08 yeah. 2010 and 2011. How about the 10 years before that like his father did and like he required his short list of VP candidates to provide to him?

  45. The Donald's announcement is making more headlines than the President's brand spanking new "disposition matrix"...perhaps that was the point.

  46. 6:04 Obama was never required to sign up for selective service. At that time he was a foreign student. He received Federal tax money because he was a foreign student. So, bottom line, he can't have it both ways. How about his SS # 042-68-4425 from a dead man,Jean Paul Ludwig. from Connecticut. You got problems with this comment, then research the SS#.

  47. Like him or not, Donald Trump made an offer ANY PRESIDENT Would Not Refuse.
    1) Romney has released his Tax Returns couple of weeks ago
    2) Obama has had his FILES SEALED FOR MORE THAN 4 YEARS
    So, now Trump is about to throw in 5 millions of his own money, who wouldn't want to take the challenge? So, what's the big deal Obama, just make files available to public. After all you do want to help the POOR & NEEEDY ? Someone once said "The Truth Will Set You Free".
    And those Obama lovers, ask yourselves a question - what do you really know about this man?

  48. bottom line: obama can't release anything because the truth would be revealed. he's not a citizen and "we the people" have allowed this to happen. shame on us.

  49. Does anyone think Obama will really respond to this at all? He will do what he always does. Ignore it.

  50. He will ignore this just like he has ignored the needs of our country for 4 years. He DOES NOT CARE about truth and freedom in America. That's what he's out to CHANGE.

  51. And all the Liberals/Democrats just turn a deaf ear to anything that is negative about Obama. They LOVE him! Can't quite figure it out why. It's like they are under his Spell and someday when they wake up - they will be sorry. But then again, libs/dems really don't have any common sense so even then, they will be delusional!

  52. It's because of the lack of civility these people have anymore 9:01. To them lying is okay, it's okay to them (and even acceptable) that obama hob nobs with some who disrespects woman and call them "hoes." It's not about policy to these people it's about lifestyle. They long to revert to an anything goes society.


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