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Monday, October 29, 2012

Did Obama Watch While They Fought For Their Lives?

They fought for their lives for seven hours.  9/11/ 2012.  Benghazi. The White House watched.  No help was sent and they died. 
Four Americans died in the jihadi attack on our consulate in Benghazi.  Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two retired SEALS who were working as civilian security specialists in Benghazi, learned that Ambassador Stevens and nine other people at the consulate were under attack and rushed to their defense.  The fourth man was Sean Smith, father of three, an Air Force veteran, working for the State Department in Libya. 
The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and our military monitored the battle in real time starting with the first phone calls directly from Benghazi.
A small military force from Tripoli was dispatched and was able to rescue some personnel hiding in other buildings.  Ambassador Stevens remained missing, as did these three men.  The fire-fight raged on.
The shocking news of October 22 was that a drone ordered in from Tripoli sent back images of the attack in real time.  The battle was sent on streaming video direct to the Situation Room in the White House.  Within two hours, emails from Benghazi reported that Al Qaeda in Libya was claiming responsibility. 
President Obama, our Commander-in-Chief, had military options available to try and save our men.  He could have had the drone armed with Hellfire missiles.  He could have scrambled fighter jets from Sicily to drive off the attackers.  He could have dropped in Special Forces. He had seven hours to take action.
He did nothing.  Doherty and Woods died in the last hour of the attack. 



  1. So 4 Americans died in Benghazi, the government knew ahead about it, and did nothing to prevent the (relatively) small plot.

    Yes, this is 100% a tragedy.

    My question is: How did we know about this terror attack that killed 4 people, but NOT know about one that was significantly more complex, took significantly more planning, and resulted in over 9,000 deaths?

    Our government did nothing to stop 9/11 and has taken little heat for the worst terror attack in American history. How could we NOT have known about this massive plot that took place on our own soil when we know about a small attack thousands of miles away in "enemy" territory?

    All the Republicans that want to lay into Obama for his handling of this, go for it - it's warranted - but don't fail to look in the mirror at the celebrated patriot, Mr. Bush.

  2. Now Mow 650PM. You seem a little testy trying to defend the empty suit. Regardless of what happened when Bush was in as it seems like that is all the dens/libs keep bringing up, That was then...this is NOW! Yes, 9/11 was tragic and that day will never be forgotten. However, to just sit for hours and watch people get murdered - that is something totally not to be tolerated.

  3. While it came off as a liberal defense of the Big O, my disgust is more for the government in general in their poor handling of all issues of terrorism - both Bush and Obama.

    The 9/11 Conspiracy theorists are often painted as wackjobs who are looking for trouble where they shouldn't. Regardless, there are still so many unanswered questions about that day and the Benghazi tragedy is another event where the govt dropped the ball which makes it inevitable that similar past events would be brought up.

    Arguably, we could go back to Pearl Harbor and bring up potential issues like this.

    As it relates to the Presidential election, people can decide for themselves, I'm just saying that if this is an issue for you now, I hope it was an issue for you in 2004, otherwise, in my (ultimately) meaningless opinion, it's hypocritical.

  4. Answer? Yes, he did.

  5. He and Michelle were smoking CRACK at the time they were watching the show or so they thought it was TV.

  6. 9000? doth use many words but says nothing

  7. Please everyone - do not re-elect Obama !! The future of our nation is at stake! Trust the military and do not vote for him!


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