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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Crowley Surprised By Criticism Over Romney Correction

CNN's Candy Crowley tells WTOP she was surprised by some of the criticism she received after correcting Mitt Romney when the former Massachusetts governor disputed a claim by President Barack Obama during Tuesday's second presidential debate.

Romney, the Republican nominee for president, disputed Obama's statement that the president had described an attack on a U.S. Consulate in Libya as an act of terror the day after the incident.

Crowley, CNN's chief political correspondent and the debate's moderator, said during the exchange that Obama did call the incident an "act of terror." She also vocally agreed with Romney's assertion that the Obama administration indicated the attack was a spontaneous response to an anti- Muslim video.



  1. The next day she apologized for her mistake but no one covered that.

  2. It's not surprising that she'd be surprised...
    One word...clueless

  3. Romney had to debate 2 people that night.

  4. She's surprised? Not only does she not follow proper procedure but she was completely wrong in her comment and she's surprised she's being criticized. She needs to admit she was wrong with no spin attached and move on because everytime now that she opens her mouth she's becoming more and more annoyingly asinine.

  5. How dare she point out facts to republicans?!

  6. If you lay down with the Dems. be prepared to get up with fleas. Poor
    Candy made a bad choice. Back out of this one honey.

  7. Big mouth liberal working for a super liberal network.

  8. "Alex said...
    How dare she point out facts to republicans?!

    October 20, 2012 9:24 AM"

    Facts? She specifically said Obama called the incident in Libya a terrorist attack when in fact he did not. Stop lying to yourself, Alex. She saw her boy obama getting beaten up and felt compelled to inject herself into where she was not supposed to go and now she looks like a fool. It's her own fault. She should have kept her mouth shut. These Brown Nosing leftist "journalists" are good for a laugh. They would slither through a pile of manure to get on the good side of obama.

  9. She only told the truth. I guess that's not allowed.

  10. Alex,

    It is you that doesn't want to hear facts.
    Crowley admitted she was wrong after the debate.
    For four weeks Obama blamed the attack in Lybia on the video. Now he's trying to rewrite history

  11. Candy was just a poor choice for moderator.I knew that before it started.Obama knew that before the debate began and planned accordingly.Despite what Rush and others say,Candy did not intentionally aid Obama.She was simply an easy target.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    She only told the truth. I guess that's not allowed.

    October 20, 2012 9:57 AM"

    LOL~If she "only told the truth" 9:57, then what the heck is she admitting to being wrong on now?
    Her exact words were Romney was "right in the main" but he "just picked the wrong word."
    My no one's stretch of the imagination did only tell the truth.

  13. I almost believe those people believe their lies!

  14. "My no one's stretch of the imagination did only tell the truth".I've read that several times and can't make any sense of it.

  15. To Alex, October 20, 2012 10:16 AM, and other Libtards. That response was planned in advance because the Obama camp new it would be brought up. The Libs have always been clever with deciet.

  16. It is not this fat clowns job or any other moderator to correct or support a candidate in a debate. This debate was between the American and the Muslim and not Ms. Piggy.

  17. Very strange that Candy had the transcript in front of her and Teh Won knew she had it. He directed her to "read the transcript!"

  18. 11:33 thanks for clarification, now it makes sense.

  19. He also gestured/pointed to it while saying read the transcript!
    A dead giveaway of collusion between them! He knew it was there.

  20. 3:08 I noticed the same thing and wondered why he would know about a transcript? Was a transcript given to Romney? To my knowledge it means a planned event with planned questions and answers.

  21. For real why did C. have the ROSE GARDEN transcript in front of her and how did O. know she would have them to check?
    Another thing there were no ah ah ah's typical of O.-he didn't hesitate before saying, "Get the Transcript. He is never ever that quick on his feet. He didn't even have to ask if the transcript was available.

  22. "Presidential Debate Commission Rules:

    (c) With respect to all questions...

    (iv) The moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate or otherwise intervene in the debate except to acknowledge the questioners from the audience or enforce the time limits,"

    Crowley's a fool.

  23. Candy the Cow should have known the RULES, but when you see your boy getting smacked dwon, the rules went out the window, like a mom protecting her kids. I can't wait til the next debate, which SHOULD be about foreign policy, but I guarantee -- GUARANTEE -- will be steered back (by obama) to "health care" and the (fake) USA unemployment numbers, since obama's ENTIRE foreign policy can be summed up in ONE SENTENCE--- "Osama is dead". Eighty to ninety percent of the world spits the taste out of their mouth when they say "America" and obama has done something to make that better?


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