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Monday, October 01, 2012

Contacting Ron Paul


I am currently trying to email Ron Paul on Sunday night at 7 PM, and his site is showing an “overloaded” page. Right now, after today’s events and the current cast of characters doing what they are doing, now EVERYBODY needs to get in touch with Mr. Paul. My question, since I will be working out of my precinct as an Election Judge, is “When I write in for Ron Paul for President during early voting, do I write in a VP name?”.

I’ll keep on trying, but it’s pretty obvious that I am not alone. Has anyone else been able to get an answer to this question?


  1. Don't do it.
    A vote for Dr. Paul is a vote for Obama at this point.
    I understand and support the principal but we must defeat the communist Islamic sympathizer in the White House FIRST.

  2. Maryland is a solid dem state. Voting third party in the Maryland election isnt doing anything to impact the vote for Obama or Romney (Obamney). Might as well thumb your nose at the system and let them know that you're not going to play their silly political games.

  3. I agree with 4:02. I voted for Ron Paul in the primary but yes a vote for him in the general is a vote for obama.

  4. In MD, a vote for Romney is a vote for Obama anyway. No way Romney wins the state.

  5. Ron Paul needs to get behind the Republicans and help us push Obama out and not split the vote for Obama to win again!

  6. Many of us agree with some of what Ron Paul stands for and it would be great to see someone like him in the White House because his decisions can't be bought.

    BUT, Ron Paul can't win period. And if he continues to divide the conservative/republican and moderate votes he is doing a dis-service to the entire group that is trying to get Obama out.

    The only good about this election is if we can get Obama out. Whatever Romney does it will be better for the country then what Obama has done and what he intends to do in his 2nd term.

    Ron Paul needs to address his followers, let them know that for them to win they HAVE TO vote for Romney. So Ron step up to the plate and do whats right for the country, NOW!!!

  7. Ron Paul is doing the same thing Ross Perot did and we all know how that turned out.

  8. 5:06, I am the one who wrote that letter. I have been voting since 1972 for the "lesser of the two evils" for forty long years, McCain/ Palin being the last one.
    I absolutely REFUSE anymore to do that. I'm getting too damned old to "get Romney in til somebody better comes along". It hasn't happened in 40 years and it ain't gonna happen in 44 years.

    I absolutely refuse to play this game anymore. I'm 58 years old, and tired of this stupid Dem/ Repub game. God and Country is who I vote fro from now on. If Obummer wins because of it, well that's a problem that will need to be taken care of, hell, he doesn't even qualify to be on the ballot and none of us will stand up for that.

    Ron Paul is right for our country and everybody now knows that nominating Romney was just a status quo move.

    The right thing for Mr. Paul to do now is to run write in and inform us as to how to vote him in properly.

    That goes out to all of you!

  9. Website is overloaded AGAIN!

  10. What do you mean Ron Paul is doing the same thing as Ross Perot? He's not campaigning. They have the majority of the population convinced to sway to either minority (hard repubs and dems) in fear that the opposite minority will win.

  11. Ron Paul is our only hope and the GOP made sure he was cheated out of a proper vote. Ron Paul 2016!!!

  12. If Ron Paul had any sense left in that old grey celled brain of his he would tell his supporters to vote Romney because Obama is feeding our country into a paper shredder. It's a F****** joke to even consider wasting your vote for him when there is a much bigger picture to be seen here. It's not about lesser of two evils, its about not letting our country completely go to hell, which is damn well where it's going.


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