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Saturday, October 20, 2012

CIA Wants More Drones

The CIA wants to expand its fleet of armed drone aircraft. CIA director David Petraeus is making the plea directly to the White House. The Washington Post reports, if approved, the CIA would get up to 10 new drones. That would bring its fleet to between 40 and 45. Plus it would signal an extension of the CIA's transformation into a paramilitary force. Petraeus argues that more planes would let the CIA sustain campaigns against terrorists in Pakistan and Yemen while also hunting them down in North Africa. Anonymous officials told the Post, the Pentagon has not opposed the CIA plan.


  1. Take back the one Obama gave Iran!

  2. We will give the CIA 45 drones to use against people in Africa, Pakistan, and Yemen. BUT we need 35,000 (!!) drones to use against AMERICAN citizens in the USA!? Thirty-five THOUSAND for the skies over the USA?? Still cheering? Clicking those shiny boots together and thinking about a rampage against some Jewish businesses? Thats what I thought.....

  3. 11:50-don't underestimate the number of homegrown terrorists right here in the US.There are plenty of people in our country at this very moment(and growing in #s daily)who would attack from within.We need all of the equalizers we can get,drones included.

  4. 4:40...you have fallen, head over heels, hook line and sinker, all in, for the scary boogeymen BS we get fed in order to justify warrantless searches, secret trials (!!), secret prisons, roadblocks and checkpoints, jailing of reporters, biometric and photographic surveillance, restrictions on assembly and protest, and now 35,000 drones (they ARE SO good at picking out terrorists in a crowd) Tell me, Heinrich, WHEN do you think we should get upset? As we board the trains to camps? As they pick up our sons or daughters for "detention? WHEN!? This country CANNOT be overtaken by terrorists but CAN be overtaken by people like YOU. What should we REALLY be afraid of, Heinrich??


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