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Friday, October 12, 2012

Caption This Photo 1-12-12


  1. don't feel bad kid, it scares the hell out of me too!

  2. Zackly how I feel kid.

  3. I just wish he was old enough to vote!

  4. Obam scares me also

  5. Some masks are just to scary!

  6. Kids say the darndest things!

  7. Everyone fears satan , Barrack Ho-Satan Obama

  8. Is is OK Son this boogie man will go away November 6...and we will be ok!

  9. The mask of Michele is in the section for 18 year olds and older because it may cause permanant damage to small children.

  10. Children are not yet blind to evil.

  11. Funny that everyone here just wants to crack jokes on our president instead of the horrible parenting that is obvious in this photo. Anyone who loves their child would not scared them into tears just for a laugh. Sick people out there.

  12. Daddi is that you!!

  13. Hey 7:05 , he's your president not mine , if I were you I wouldn't admit it either.
    My comment is not a joke , I think he is SATAN!!!

  14. Hey 7:05 , he's your president not mine , if I were you I wouldn't admit it either.
    My comment is not a joke , I think he is SATAN!!!

    October 13, 2012 9:41 AM

    you're just being ridiculous.

  15. Obama is not the person 50 percent of the people think he is. They see this smooth talking guy who is promising them the world, but inside he is more like a socialist! Its like he has a spell on the people that still plan to vote for him and those who are voting for him, thinks we (the ones who have him figured how that he is not the great one that he is pretending to be) are the crazy ones! I say my prayers that he is voted out in this upcoming election.


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