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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


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  1. Looks like a normal letter and request. Teachers cannot being doing this.

    1. Teachers can't teach civics in school? But the administrators and teachers can demand and force our children to watch the inauguration of Obama? You are proving liberals are definitely hypocrites.

  2. Teachers push their liberal agenda ALL year long. Since when can the BOE hush their first amendment right? Since when can the NAACP step in and tell/force them into their agenda???

    Fredericksen has already pulled Salisbury News from ALL of the BOE computers but I'll bet you all kinds of money they can access the Daily Times.

    Enough is enough.

    1. Are you telling me that if my child wanted to look at sby news during a computer lab that she would not be able to? If so that's complete bull and an infringement of my childs rights.please provide the ammo for my law suit against the boe and the dr.

  3. If this shut up just one of the liberal teachers from being able to brain wash the children to think they way they do I am all for it. Sadly they will figure out other ways to get them to believe in their liberal agenda. Look at the way schools are now. How's that liberal stuff working for you?

  4. Who in the hell do the NAACP think they are.

  5. WoW !!! just to think that the NAACP doesn't want our teachers and staff promoting obama. who knew. this is just amazing.

  6. To Joe Albero

    You can bet that the BOE will ensure that The Daily Times - (most liberal left wing media) - is accessible. They have been conditioning or should I say brainwashing the minds of our youth for far to long.

    My personal opinion - it is high time to 'draw the line in the sand' and put an end to these BOE shenanigans. If the BOE continues down the spiral path of censoring vital political information - then we as citizens are compelled to fight back.

    Frederickson - let this be notice of our warning to you and the BOE establishment.

    For those teachers who are of the conservative persuasion - we invite you to come forth to stake your claim as here at SBYnews we unbiased. We call it like we see it - (FAIR AND BALANCED).

  7. What does Ashanti mean by teachers and others making "personal comments" and "stating opinions" mean? The email would have some credibility had she elaborated on what exactly these personal comments and opinions were. A national election is of importance and should be talked about in schools. If a teacher said Obama has expanded entitlement then that is a fact and is okay. Now if the teacher said don't vote for Obama because he hands out entitlements left and right then that's a no no.

    1. Why would a teacher tell a child not to vote for anyone, very few are old enough to register let alone vote. What this letter is saying is teachers and students are not to have an opinion unless it aligns with Mary Ashanti, Margo Handy and the NAACP. Parents should be up in arms about this, we all know that's not going to happen.

  8. local naacp has a yahoo email address? cant they get enough donations to afford a real one?

  9. NAACP loves to stick their nose in everything! Speak Up Teachers! Vote Romney!

  10. strange I was watching a show last night when a commercial came on, it was a classroom and the teacher was asking the kids who they needed to vote for in the presidential election, they all jumped up and said Obama this had no who paid for it attached but I will say it was a children s program

  11. SBY News cannot protect them, their jobs could be cut.

  12. Since it comes from the NAACP, I would guess that some teachers are discussing their frustrations with Obama. No way they would object to bashing any white candidates.

  13. OK libs, how about this. O'Malley has a commercial pimping a new Casino guaranteeing the money will go towards education. It's OK for him to pimp his agenda for STUDENTS but you better keep your mouth shut on a Presidential election.

    The BOE is nothing short of a cult.

    1. O'Malley can say anything he wants in a commercial, not one dime of that casino money is guaranteed to go to education. Read the bill!

  14. So I guess they were not supporting Obama because if they were no one from their group would have complained.

  15. Last time I check this was America not a socialist country. The teachers should have the right to discuss who they want to endorse.

  16. Ashanti is going against the teachers unions
    This from Time-

    "Those are the questions central to a federal lawsuit filed this month by New York City's teachers union. The United Federation of Teachers has sought a temporary restraining order against a district policy that bars teachers from wearing campaign buttons in the city's public schools. The prohibition, union officials argue, is a violation of teachers' First Amendment rights to free speech and political expression. "It doesn't matter whether you support Obama or Republican Senator John McCain," UFT president Randi Weingarten said at a press conference. "As voters, we all should have the right to express our views."

    1. So, they don't want them to wear buttons on their clothes, what about bumper stickers on their cars? Should they ride the bus because they have an opinion? The unions are the ones that belong on a bus, the short bus.

  17. Here’s what I know, A few people that I know in this town that donate funds to various charities and local non- profits have stated that if Obama is elected it will affect thier ability to conrtibute. If you are associated with any one of the hundreds of non-profits around here or if one has touched your life like hospice, cancer foundation, march of dimes, ect ect ect. vote for whoever you wish, just know what the ramifications are and do not complain when these people can no longer afford to donate to these much needed organizations.

  18. Ashanti needs to keep her nose and her NAACP out of the schools - enough of her nonsense already.

  19. Does the NAACP AND the BOE really think these students are going to go home and CONVINCE their parents to vote the other way???????

    That's like saying Yard Signs sway an election!

    We need to have reasonable dialogue in this country. This is NOT reasonable and parents should be OUTRAGED.

  20. As a former history teacher and administator, I believe teachers should discuss elections with their students as long as both sides are presented. Also, I again resent the comments that some have made on here that ALL teachers are liberal and have a liberal agenda. I am and have always been as are many teachers that I know a conservative republican that wants to see, God, family, and country as the basis for bringing this country back to greatest that it has known in the past. I believe that there are many teachers and fellow retired teachers as am I that will vote for Governor Mitt Romney in order to send the worse president in this country's history since Jimmy Carter back to Chicago. Again don't lump all teachers together as liberals. Thank you....

  21. Even I'd they had access to the DT, the could not read it. They'd have to buy a subscription!'

  22. Salisbury News is the go to place for the news you can't find anywhere else.

  23. Didn't Obama push his agenga to the schools?

  24. Anonymous 5:41pm

    Great point!

  25. How do you get your hands on Hot items like this? Love it!

  26. Joe you took the words right out of my mouth. BOE is a cult.

  27. On the day of Obama's inauguration, we were MADE to have a celebration in all Wicomico County Schools per Margo Handy. I'm almost certain WHEN Romney wins, Margo Handy won't insist on having a celebration for our NEW president. Oh yeah whatever happened to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

    1. Margo Handy is a hypocrite, plain and simple. If not for tenure she wouldn't have a job.

  28. Joe, can you give me solid, actual examples of a liberal agenda currently being taught in Wicomico County schools? I've got two kids in county schools and I just don't see it.

  29. @5:39
    I never had a doubt about conservative teachers - known quite a few.
    I also agree w/ the commentators who believe a few teachers were slamming Teh Won to the kids or the NAACP wouldn't be objecting.

  30. And I find it hilarious commenters are saying teachers should be allowed to talk about their opinions of the election. If the Republican Party had made this request, and there was any indication the comments had been in support of Obama, you'd be asking for a gag order with possible firing as a consequence for saying anything nice about the President.

  31. my 8th grader has said there are conversations in school and classes and all the kids put their hand up for obama. he's a die hard conservative at this age. so he shuts his mouth. no use getting in a fight over this black and white issue. which it is....

  32. Who is Margo Handy. Is she supporting Romney or Obama

  33. The election should absolutely be discussed but from all aspects, not just a teacher's personal perspective.

  34. I remember when a female parent complained to the Board of Education about her children being taught to praise Obama and do a lenghty report on him. After she complained Margo Handy labeled her as racist. The parents point to be made was the teachers never made her children do anything for President Bush.

  35. Are any parents with kids in the public schools able to shed any light on this? I've read only a few comments from people who seemed somewhat informed.

  36. 6:01. Well said. It is only an issue if the opinions go against other people's views. Truthfully, I don't see any need to discuss either candidate's platforms in elementary schools. I could see it in middle or high school civic or government class where the kids have a better understanding of the impact. In elementary schools, we should be teaching the legislative and electoral process.

  37. If the comments were pro-Obama, this wouldn't even be addressed by Asucky or Handy. Did anyone say anything when the teachers and staff personnel wore Obama shirts and pins when Obama won??? Because, that's exactly what took place! Why didn't the NAACP say something then? As long as it is the bigoted, racial, libturd, blacks getting their points across, nothing is said. This reverse discrimination has gotten out of hand. Enough already!!!

  38. anonymous 5:57, look at the comment just above yours at the very same time. Need I say more?

  39. amazing that they feel this way 4 years later. When Obama won, do you parents remember it being forced down our throats on inauguration day, when kids were all but forced to wear better than their Sunday best! I remember standing on a limb and telling my elementary child "NO"! They have never done this for any other election, but in 2008 it was such a big deal! Children were bribed with best dressed prizes and spent class time watching the inauguration! Please, where was the NAACP then? Now that they fear Obama not getting the votes, they think we need to keep it out of the public schools....things that make you go hmmm.....

  40. The email doesn't say where the comments were made or what type of comments they were.

    Were they made in a classroom, break room, office?

  41. We were forced to celebrate Obama's victory in a way unlike anything that had ever been done in this county's schools. How can anyone who perpetrated that on kids cry out now that no political views can be given in schools during an election year?

  42. Why should the NAACP have any part of this....A Liberal seem to have their right to a voice but GOD forbid if a conservative has a voice!!!!Freedom of speech!!!!

  43. They took God out of schools. Now that want to take Republicans out as well.

  44. Joe IMO if Wicomico schools allow the opinion of the daily times to influence the minds of students, you my friend have been denied your own right to free speech and equal format.

  45. This is unreal. A friend called to tell me about this. I had to see it for myself. Romney just got my vote.

  46. anonymous 5:57 At West Salisbury Elementary they have right in the Main Hallway the political Obama "Yes We Can" poster. Totally political - and no Romney poster of course. A Presidential portrait is certainly expected in all schools, but not campaign posters for only one candidate.

  47. This further goes to show that they know that the end is near, NOBAMA 2012!

  48. The Obama signs need to come down then, or change them to Yes we Can't.

    They know it's all over for BO, he's got no success to run on and all he has left is the race card.

    This proves it, in black and white!

  49. In Wicomico Schools it is offensive and not allowed to wear a cross but you can have Muslim Prayer for an hour during class times

  50. Anonymous said...
    On the day of Obama's inauguration, we were MADE to have a celebration in all Wicomico County Schools per Margo Handy. I'm almost certain WHEN Romney wins, Margo Handy won't insist on having a celebration for our NEW president. Oh yeah whatever happened to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

    October 24, 2012 5:57 PM

    Can you prove this? Can anyone dig up any old emails that may have been sent out on this?

    1. You must not have kids in school because we all remember the big Obama celebration and kids having to watch the inauguration during class time.

  51. Why is this a NAACP concern anyway? Let me guess they don't want anyone talking politics unless it is in support of Obama.

  52. 10:11
    It was posted on this site on January 20th 2009. Go to the bottom right and click on the year then month then date. Or just type in inauguration in the box at the top left of this page.

  53. This is pure, unadulterated censorship. Does anyone remember when the revenue cap was an issue coming to referendum? Teachers had the students marching on the sidewalks carrying signs. They called it a civics lesson. The BOE and the County Council allowed it because it tended to forward their agenda. Apparently someone expressed that Romney is a better candidate. If it was a case of someone supporting Obama the NAACP wouldn't have made a sound. Now the government (BOE)is supporting a political position of the left by silencing the right using policies they enforce ad hoc.

  54. The NAACP can voice their liberal chatter and back an idiot for president, but teachers can not voice their own opinion? I believe we still live in the United States of American and have the right to free speech. These are the things that happen when too much power is given to an organization. Take away their goveerment entitlement and their mouths will stop putting forth sewage.

  55. I think all school age parents need to their schools and tell them this is outrageous.

  56. But they are for it if the teachers are pimping for Obama. Watch this link. Appears these kids attend public school. Like Michele Obama, I guess they weren't "proud Americans" until after Barack was elected. Or the Philadelphia public school teacher who recently made a female student remove her Romney/Ryan shirt. The NAACP is a shameful organization.

  57. What Margo meant to say was:

    We have received complaints from the NAACP that black children were coming home from school and reported that they were hearing positive things about Mitt Romney and hearing the truth about Obama's failures. This simply cannot stand, either your resort back to your 'Hope and Change' brainwashing or refrain from politics in the school.

  58. The Election is all about race not political views. All of you that wanted McCain to win and voted for him andbought what he was selling now you are all for Romney why? Because you dont want the black guy in the white house not because of his political views but his color.

    1. Be thankful you have the right to free speech and your opinion because that statement is nothing less than BULL SH*$!

  59. I've read several comments about events held on Inauguration Day (which is not the same as a campaign) in 2009 but nothing about events NOW which prompted the memo in question. What is happening in the schools NOW? What are the teachers doing and saying?

    1. No one responding seems to have any personal knowledge of the alleged partisan events.

  60. ultimately it is the responsibility of the parents to instruct the children/students in this type of thing and if they do it right the liberal teachers can spew 'til they are blue in the face and they won't make a difference because the kids already know the truth.

  61. what Margo should have said was that there have been complaints that some classroom teachers are emphasizing their opinion to much in the classroom and please restrain from that.

    By bring NAACP in she is making it a race issue.

  62. Has the Obama poster posted in West Salisbury School been taken down to conform to Dr. Handy's directive?

  63. My 3rd grader is in the enrichment program at her school. Last week they were shown several cartoons
    A) Obama with overly large ears and wielding a water gun and Romney sat across from him with an overly large chin holding a chainsaw.

    B) Obama and over his shoulder was a terrorist on the other side Romney with the American flag above his shoulder

    C) A T.V screen with Romney on it and a donkey sitting in a chair across from it with a thought bubble coming from his head saying "I kinda like this guy"

    D) A man sitting in a rocking chair with the caption 'Undecided Voter' and Romney and Obama crawling on their hands and knees towards him.

    When I asked more about it and mentioned it to friends it appears that the only 'political'talk going on in the schools is happening in the enrichment classes, the mainstream classes have barely mentioned it.

    I remember my oldest 2 children were expected to watch the inaugaration of Obama in school, my oldest had an unexcused absence that day.

  64. I think some of you need to home school your children so that they will never be exposed to ideas or persons you don't approve of. What in God's name is wrong with having school children watch the inauguration of the first African-American president of the United States? It was a historic event no different from VE Day, VJ Day and the walk on the moon. The schools should have ignored it because YOUR candidate lost the elction?

  65. This election has been going on for over a year.WOW, Romney goes over 50% for the first time after he annihilates Obama in the debates because he has no defense for his failing record, then the BOE gets scared because the people are getting wise. What's their answer, shut the people up!!!!! If Obama steals this election, you can get use to being shut up.


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