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Friday, October 19, 2012

Boy Scouts’ Secret Files Reveal Nearly 100 Child Predators In Md.

The Boy Scouts of America ordered to release secret files on child sex abuse within the organization. Contained in those files are names of more than 1,000 predators nationwide and nearly 100 of those here in Maryland.

It is expected that the release of this information could lead to both prosecutions and lawsuits.
The Boy Scouts of America has released files kept secret for decades. The so-called Perversion Files are voluminous and detail widespread sexual abuse of boy scouts, mostly by men, and what authorities describe as a systematic cover-up of the crimes.


  1. One of them critters is Obama!

  2. This is ironic after all the fuss that the Boy Scouts did about allowing gays to lead or be members of the scouts. Truth be known most pedophiles are heterosexual males. Sad. It's horrible that they chose to cover this up for years. They should be sued by every last boy that was abused.

  3. "detail widespread sexual abuse of boy scouts, mostly by men"

    MEN sexually abusing BOY scouts are not heterosexuals! They are either homosexuals or bisexuals but definelty not heterosexual. Maybe this is why the Boy Scouts didn't want gays to lead because they were aware they were having problems with them.

  4. How many on the shore?

  5. Another consequence of unchecked liberalism. The rights of innocent children are trumped by the rights of perverts. It happens every day.


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