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Monday, October 29, 2012

Bow To Nobody


  1. I would gladly donate to have this shown on every network in America.

  2. He not only bows, but kisses the ring of the Saudi king!

  3. EVERY Network in America should be running this starting TODAY! Wish I had the millions to pay for it This is something Donald Trump should offer to do right now. It would be worth $5 million for the public to view this on CNN, ABC, C SPAN, ETC ETC. and really
    show them the truth what our worthless president is all about.

  4. Our guys need to come back home and kick some A/S ...

  5. GOD Help us all. This comunist is in charge of the mighty USA. Please do whatever you can to educate the ignorant. The media is part of the socialist machine, so its up to us.


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