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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Bounce: Romney Surges in Ohio, Florida, Virginia

As Americans are beginning to process Mitt Romney's lopsided debate victory on Wednesday night, the Republican nominee has pulled ahead in three crucial swing states, according to a trio of surveys   from pollster We Ask America:

 Ed Morrissey notes the slightly generous   (to Republicans) sample splits in Florida and Virginia, although the Ohio partisan breakdown looks about right.  To buttress this data, Rasmussen has released two new surveys -- his data shows Romney ahead by one point in Virginia   (49/48), and down by a point in Ohio   (50/49).  But consider this item   within the Buckeye State poll:



  1. Who the heck is Gary Johnson?

  2. Great news! The Liberals will take this and tear it apart for sure. They CANNOT stand to lose or even think about losing!

  3. Remember this ladies and gents, Romney will win Ohio by 6%, Pennsylvania by 3%, Michigan by 3% Wisconsin by 4%, Iowa by 2%, Florida by 5%, North Carolina by 7% Virginia by 5%, Nevada by 3%, Colorado by 4% and I'll post some other surprises in supposed safe Obama states in the near-term. Here's something you need to remember, Brown in MA will win, Brown in OH wil lose, McCaskill will lose, Mack will win in FL, Casey will LOSE in PA and Allen will win in VA. The trend was starting to gain momentum before the debate, but I think you will see one of the greatest meltdowns of an incumbant and his party in history AND Romeny with the help of Martinez, Sandoval and Rubio start to make dramatic in roads into the Hispanic community for 2014 and beyond. Remember this..............

  4. I think that 8:32 is a big dreamer. Brown will lose in Mass and win in Ohio. Romney just won't be able to close the deal. You'll see. Obama gets 4 more years.

  5. when joe biden has his debate the gop will surely pull ahead. america will see the 2nd dummy in command for sure

  6. Barry will win. Sorry for all of our losses, but he is detained to win. The bosses want the 2nd tm.


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