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Saturday, October 06, 2012


EDITOR’S NOTE: The links in the following report may contain offensive language.
The mayor, police chief and media have figured out what is behind a wave of black-mob violence in Columbia, S.C: White kids drink too much.
And race has nothing to do with the assailants.
But a growing number of residents are wondering why public officials are focusing their attention on arresting potential victims. They say city officials are ignoring the black mobs that are “loitering,” threatening, beating, shooting and robbing people by the dozens in this popular entertainment district called Five Points near the University of South Carolina.
And it has never been worse.


  1. If the white kids had self protection this crap would stop. The students are as much a part of the problem if they don't fight back.

  2. Remember, no matter what....it's whiteys fault.

    I live in a neighborhood where I'm the "milk in the coffee". There is one bad house in the neighborhood. Drug dealing, 10-15 hoods in the street on the weekends just drinking/smoking. They've robbed nearly every house on the block, sometimes multiple times. I reminded them quite kindly, that if my house gets broken into, they'll be leaving in body bags.

    6 years later, haven't had an issue. The police officer next door? 3 break ins, and has gone as far to add CCTV cameras to the perimeter of his home. The Preacher on the other side of me? Home has been broken into twice, and car has been broken into 3 times in that same span.

  3. Somehow that just doesn't sound right.

  4. Time for the white students to be the ones with guns. But then, will this "Police Chief" arrest the white kids and still let the black assailants go? (Except for the dead ones, of course)

  5. Police chief Randy Scott is a black man and is defending the black 8 on one criminals! Whodathunk?

  6. http://www.columbiasc.net/citycouncil/27

    The mayor is black as well! And is blaming the white kids for the 8 on one crimes!

  7. equality is important in our quest to not profile. Nevermind if the shoe fits...


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