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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 10-2-12

As a parent of public school children, I would like everyone to be aware that 
there is a major head lice outbreak going in in Wicomico county schools.  The 
News outlets  haven't  mentioned it, and WCBOE, hasn't alerted anyone as well. 
I've contacted the health dept, but they have still not made any attempt to 
get public awareness.  I just want parents to be aware of this and don't want my child or anyone in our family, or friends to get it. I heard that one 
school in our district has 50 cases! 

Why is this not being reported? 


  1. I can see the concern but I think parents always have to think of head lice as a potential problem and assume in a school setting that there is always a concern even if not reported.

  2. In my opinion----think this should definately be reported---how many parents check their childrens heads each & every day??? None, I'm sure---making everyone aware--- will help stop the mass spread there will be if it's not.

    1. I check my kids for everything.hell I comb and brush my young kids hair multiple times a day.if your butt can't chech on your kids physical health and well being then I can only pray for them and your community. Be a parent and check on your child.

  3. Can anyone remember any year that some school somewhere in the counties did NOT have a head lice outbreak in September/ October? It happens every year, like clockwork! Ask any doctor! Somebody got them over the summer, and as soon as you stack all those kids into one building sharing rooms, desks, and the like, well, the inevitable happens, The trick is to have a school nurse on the lookout for kids scratching their scalps more than normal, and then screening them.

  4. Ok everyone stop scratching your heads.
    Come down off your high horse.
    Some parents are new to this type of thing. This could be their first year in school and they didn't know there was a problem. When my son was in elementary school he was sent to the nurse with a sore on the back of his neck. She put a band aid on it and sent him back to class. He was out of school for 5 days because he had chicken pox.


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