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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Coment Worthy Of A Post 10-10-12

Anonymous said...
I remember when obammy first ran for pres.

He came out of nowhere, no one knew anything about him except he was a senator from Illinois.

We still to this day do not know anything about this man.

No one can say with certainty where he was born, who his parents are, if he is a muslim or not, or what he has done for (or to) this country, other than spend a whole lot of money and pass obamacare.


He has made claims to what he has done and is doing. He says he needs more time to finish what "we've" started.

I never liked him and never thought he would get elected in the first place.

Well, he got elected. I still don't like or trust him.

This country is in the toilet and he has got his hand on the chain.

If he gets elected again, I don't want to hear a word from a single solitary person.

If we can't come together in enough numbers to send this fraud packing, we are responsible for our own doom.

Enough with the pc bs. Enough with the racist bs.

This man(?) and his admin looked us right in the eye and LIED. Most recently about the embassy murders.

Not that I think Romney is that much better but, if we were to allow Obama to continue, that means we accept and condone everything he has done and will do.


I will not apologize for being an American.

This is my, our, country. Sure, I hate some of the things our government has done. May the Lord and the ones we have hurt forgive us.

If we cannot make peace with some people, and they insist on warring with us, let us utterly destroy them. No more politicians directing our wars and battles. That's what we have MARINE'S for.

We have to kick corporations out of government business also. And whoever said a corp. was a person needs to be slapped right across the lips.

Stop treating us CITIZENS like criminal subjects. Defend our borders. DO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!

And before any candidate puts their hand on the bible to take office, have them read the constitution and the bill of rights.



  1. dang Joe, I'm honored. I thought my post was too long to make it in comments and you gave me my own thread. lol.

    I'm just wondering how many agree with what I said.

  2. I agree with you on most of it. It took over 200 years to build a country and in 4 years Obama has just about brought us to our knees.
    We will never win the war in the middle east because we are fighting with out hands behind our backs. We have to many rules to follow and they have none. That doesn't make for a fair playing field.
    Look back at all the other presidents. We have seen pictures of them growing up, movies of them with their family. We have seen little to nothing about Obama. You have to wonder just what he is hiding.

  3. 10:39 He is hiding a life of Communist mentors, Islamic fundamentalist financeers and racist black power radicals. Stanley Dunham his maternal grandfather was a devout communist as well as Frank Marshall Davis a communist propagandist presumed to be his real father and Saul Alinsky author of "Rules for Radicals". Bill Ayers a communist terrorist. Mother Ann Dunham, a pornstar for "The Black Rebel" a 60's ghetto version of Penthouse.
    Rev. Wright, Dr. Khalid al-Mansour a Black panther party mentor...
    He has a lot to hide.

    He is the embodiment of the "new" "progressive" Democrat party and most democrats don't even realize their party has been corrupted by communist ideals and radical Islamic sympathizers.
    He told us, "fundamental transformation of the USA"!
    I personally am sick of his ilk and fraud.

    Have you had enough yet?

  4. When will you people understand , he is a muslim , he will not change that. He is out to control and change the religious beliefs of all black people . He has pampered them with all the free stuff you are paying for.
    He has bought the minority vote , hispanic and negro.
    Of course this is the truth , and know one wants to hear it. I don't think you will even print this comment because you will think it's racist . Ah, the truth will set you free.
    I will lead my men when needed.

  5. Agreed, except I believe Romney IS a better choice, especially with Ryan by his side.

  6. I agree with all except I feel that Mitt Romney is a whole lot better and one of the best choices we have ever had.
    He an honest decent man. He has an "I'm in charge" attitude but still comes across as diplomatic, as well as the 6th sense common to CEO's which is knowing the best person to put in what position. He knows he doesn't "know it all" (the obama atitude) and knows how important it is to get everyone working together and how to bring sides together because believe it or not everyone at some point has great goals, ideas and solutions democrats included-LOL.

  7. I agree, also. Pres. Obama has got to get out the door. He's ruining US. He's nothing more than a puppet controlled by those who want the US gone. People, stand up for your rights & VOTE in Nov. Vote to stop a corrupt puppet who's out to get all of us.

  8. I dont think Romney cares about the middle class to be honest, I wish Ryan was running for the seat. But I will take ANYONE instead of Obama for 4 more years.

  9. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. There are more than two choices.

  10. could not have said it better!!!

  11. The CONSTITUTION? The Bill of Rights? LOL! They don't exist anymore except as a piece of paper in a nuclear hardened enclosure. When they place their hand on a Bible and SWEAR to uphold and defend those documents, its a wonder God doesn't strike them DEAD. And that includes Romney, who has already stated (on TV!) that he will STRENGTHEN (!!) the NDAA and the Patriot Act. We only have a choice in the sense that there are two people running for President. Neither one gives a crap about "we, the people".


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