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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Washington’s Copy of Constitution Displayed

MOUNT VERNON, Va. — After buying it at auction for nearly $10 million, George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate is displaying the Founding Father’s annotated copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association paid $9.8 million this summer to obtain the book, which has “President of the United States” on the cover and has handwritten notes and brackets by Washington around key passages outlining the president’s responsibilities.

Mount Vernon put the book on display Monday in its museum on the estate grounds.



  1. Poor George is getting round sholders from rolling over in his grave with all that Obama has done to his great country!

  2. 5:12

    You seriously are blaming obama for this country right now? Do you even know what youre talking about?

    Please, explain to me what Obama has done with this great country?


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