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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Video Shows TSA’s Bizarre New Security Policy

A video clip shot yesterday at Columbus Ohio Airport illustrates how the Transportation Security Administration has dreamed up a bizarre new way to waste time and taxpayer dollars – by testing drinks purchased by travelers for explosives inside the airport long after they have already passed security.



  1. Totally Screwing Aviation....at taxpayers expense!

  2. It's a waste of money until someone's Pepsi brings a plane down. They don't just think up ways to inconvenience passangers something has happen to warrant this concern.

  3. something is wrong here you are not allowed to have any bottle that big beyond security to begin with so what are these people doing with them

  4. Conditioning. A man SWIMS up to an international airport, walks across 2 busy runways, and asks a baggage handler for help. Not one cop -- not one single cop -- stops him during this entire process. And we are worried about security INSIDE the "secure" areas?? Its all about subduing and conditioning the population to endless searches, seizures, "inspections", stop & frisk (innocent people), and the myriad number of intrusions we are subjected to, all in the name of "security".

  5. 12:26
    Those drinks are purchased after the passengers have been through security, I've seen those water bottles sold at the duty shops before.

    Yeah, they've got you brainwashed. So, if you are right, why are we left in the dark as to these "reasons"?

    That said, I travel a lot and it's like an above post said, I am just conditioned to accept these terms. It is what it is, and to get where I need to go fast, I must continue to deal with it. One day I'll be able to afford a "Madden Bus" to take me comfortably everywhere, lol.

  6. Are they doing this because their secure area is so porous that even they don’t trust it?

    TSA seem to be deliberately trying to make a joke out of airline security and make Americans look like fools in the process.

    In two years they have added taking naked pictures of us and our kids, fondling our privates in public, exposing us to untested x-ray scanners and subjecting us to random, warrantless interrogations that are illegal for law enforcement.

    Now the expose people’s drinks to some unknown chemical when OSHA regulations require a Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet for any substance that humans contact. Why not test the drinks at the vendor instead of after a person pays $8 for a cup of coffee?

    What’s next from this erratic agency, random executions? This has become a sick sideshow and we can’t take another four years of Pistole and Napolitano. TSA must be made to act responsibly before it reaches the point when public resentment ends in an ugly backlash.

  7. TSA must be made to act responsibly before it reaches the point when public resentment ends in an ugly backlash.

    September 4, 2012 7:40 PM

    Yeah, how long before some nut goes in an airport and starts shooting?

    Seems like almost everyday we hear about someone shooting others.


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