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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Video: Obama Does Not Know The Size Of The Debt

It’s a couple days old, but nevertheless worth watching: Here’s the clip of President Obama’s interview with David Letterman (which Steve Hayes discusses in greater detail here), during which Obama shows that he apparently has no idea how big our national debt is — apparently even to the nearest trillion (see around the 2:00 mark):


  1. Of course he doesn't.
    He has spent too much time in office and life rebranding Marxism.
    The man is a communist and now we understand his "fundamental transformation of the United States of America".
    Under Obama, we are becoming an immoral version of the former Soviet Union. Much to look forward to there. NDAA, SOPA, HR347 Obamacare tax, Media control, etc.
    As well as "collectivism" and "redistribution" are Marxism 101.
    Aren't we as a nation of American citizens supposed to deplore and fight communism?
    Obama is destroying America, and I'm questioning now who exactly won the "cold war" ?

  2. stupid is as stupid does...

  3. Why is this such a surprise? What would be more surprising would be to find out obama knows something......anything esp who his father is.

  4. Yes, like "after my election I'll be more flexible" To Russia's Medvedev with a live mic recording.
    No matter what anyone tells you, they are still the enemy.

    How much more evidence do the Obamanista's need to realize he is a fraud? A marxist?

  5. Why would he concern himself with the national debt, except to get reports on how fast it is going negative and what he can do to speed it up? That;s his only concern, he just wants the train to wreck, the faster the better. That's his goal. He doesn't care where the numbers are now, just to get to the crash asap.

  6. Of course no one does. So what is it without looking it up?

    You know you want to cheat...

  7. 6:00 PM

    MORE than we are EVER able to repay.

    How ironic. The mighty capitalistic country will be destroyed by it's own system and money.

    Wait...I hear violins...


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