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Monday, September 03, 2012

US Stops Training Some Afghan Forces After Attacks

The U.S. military has halted the training of some Afghan forces while it digs deeper into their background following a surge of attacks by soldiers and police on their international partners, officials said Sunday.

The move only puts about 1,000 Afghan trainees into limbo, a small fraction of the country's security forces. But it shows how these attacks have the potential to derail the U.S.-Afghan handover of security so essential to the international drawdown strategy.



  1. They should quit training all of them and come home. Let them kill each other! They've only been doing that for 1000 years!!

  2. Duh why train the devils on our tactics techniques and allow them to gain our trust. The whole approach was doomed when Bush started it

  3. What is it going to take to realize that we are trying to bring peace to a people who are loving war, suicide bombing, and general mayhem? We are losing good soldiers over this crap, and invading their country to piss them off even more so they will do this to our soldiers, too.

    How does this make sense to you?

  4. Why is Obama allowing them to kick our collective a$$?
    Win every battle and lose the war.
    And a trillion more in debt to show for it. Officially 16T large.
    So much for his troop surge.
    Another broken promise.

  5. 6:23:
    The nail has been hit on it's head! We don't read of the actual troop deaths, only what they want us to read. Far too many are being slaughtered on a regular basis (especially recently) by those turncoat afganny troops.


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