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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Urban Voters Seek More Campaign Talk of Gun Crime

In a tough Philadelphia neighborhood where an off-duty police officer was shot to death last month, a mother is afraid to walk to the corner store with her two children. In a Chicago area where 23 people have been killed by gunfire so far this year, kids don't want to go outside. In Harlem, a 26-year-old man worries his family will get hit by crossfire.

Residents of inner-city neighborhoods plagued by gun violence say they feel neglected and ignored even in a presidential election year marked by highly publicized shootings at a Colorado movie theater, a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and outside the Empire State Building — a year in which Republicans have launched a full-throated defense of gun ownership while Democrats have largely kept quiet about an issue they used to put front and center.



  1. The problem is that only the bad guys have guns in these cities. An armed society is a polite society.

  2. Working guns acquired through "gun buy-back" programs should be given to people who live in bad areas. They need them for safety. If you give these poor people their own guns crime will plummet


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