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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Update Photo On Ocean City Fire


  1. Oh my. The looks bad. I watched WBOC and honestly they didn't do it justice. Your pictures are Great.

  2. French Fries anyone .see ya

  3. This is sad. I hate seeing anyone lose their home and possessions. Thankfully no one was killed or injured.

  4. Building is a total loss. Over 3 million dollars damage, 5 year round residences displaced. Fire Dept. did a great job saving the building next door, it was very close to in flames also.

  5. Hold on a minute. How come the entire 3rd floor is on fire at the same time. Huston, we have a problem!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh my. The looks bad. I watched WBOC and honestly they didn't do it justice. Your pictures are Great.

    September 26, 2012 7:31 PM

    ^^ pretty sure this photo was taken from WBOC.. correct me if im wrong Joe but it looks the same as theirs

  7. anonymous 11:52, My friend was in Ocean City and took the picture. I published it and then contacted WBOC to let them know I also had a video but couldn't upload it to Blogger. My source provided the photo to me and then WBOC.

    So every one knows, I do this often. If I feel the story is important enough I make sure other sources know about it. While I was still first, (look at the time of my original Post) that really doesn't matter in a situation like this. I also knew their Chopper was in the air over the Lift Station so I called to let them know about this huge fire.

    So while I may rag on other news sources, it doesn't mean I dislike some of them. That's the truth.

  8. You are not kidding 10:05----those building are so close together. Great job to the firefighters who kept this under control.

  9. Just heard on the scanner that ocpd is considering the Bradley on the Bay fire a crime scene.

  10. I read on some other news site that this fire was possibly started by a barbaque grill on the deck. This is totally against the law. OC needs to crack down on this. My neighbour's weekly tenants grill out on a permanent grill that is right on my property line and right near windows and even though the windows are always shut the house ends up smelling like a charcole grill by the end of the summer. I have no problem with grilling but people need to use common sense and take it out in an area where the smoke and fumes aren't a danger and no one else's house is getting smoked up.

  11. What I see is no fire walls in this building and what happens when they're not there. Take a look at the new Orchards complex and you'll see all stick building with no fire walls there also. I thought these building were required to have fire walls to slow down the progression of the fire.

  12. I own a condo in the building next door. These buildings were built in the '80's in a factory like shoe boxes, transported to the site, lifted with a crane and literally bolted together. There are no firewalls between any of them. The wooden decks and steps were built on site. There are also no sprinklers or central fire alarm (individual smoke detector (1) in each unit, and manual pull stations 2 per floor which are not connected to a monitored system- only local bells. I have a security camera which has part of the C building visible, and in reviewing the footage it appears the fire started inside unit 313 (top floor center) and had a good start before flames penetrated the walls. Fire department took 12 minutes to arrive after first smoke was visible, and did a fantastic job protecting the other buildings. (I'll be sending them a donation today!) It was really lucky that no one was injured. My sympathy for those displaced, and to the 3 condo board members who had units in that building.

  13. Maybe somebody couldn't afford the taxes.

  14. The Orchard has sprinklers in it. Huge difference. If this place has sprinklers the fire would've been contained to one room and the people could've gotten back into their rooms that night.


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