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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Unions Shrug at Democratic Convention

Labor unions and Democrats form a pretty traditional political alliance that’s usually on display in full force at the national conventions. Big labor historically spent big money on concerts, lunches, rallies and panels for its members, and spent millions to help fund the Democrats’ party.

This year? Not so much.

Some union officials are sitting out the political fete entirely after the Democrats chose a labor-unfriendly location in the right-to-work state of North Carolina. Others are sending skeleton staffs to support their union delegates, but say they’re focusing resources elsewhere. Labor groups aren’t shelling out for big events in Charlotte, and many aren’t even donating cash to the cause — despite their exemption from new restrictive fundraising rules.


1 comment:

  1. The unions see the handwriting on the wall and are (in code of course) telling obama to not let the door hit him on the way out. The facts are is that unions play both sides of the political fence though definetly tilt left and the bigger checks are always made out to the democrats. This has nothing to do with Wisconsin or NC but all to do with an attempt to remain neutral. If the polls showed obama with a significant lead they would be throwing money at this convention like it was growing on trees.


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