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Friday, September 07, 2012

Today's Survey Question 9-7-12

How many speeding tickets have you been charged with?


  1. 1 in 31 years of driving at it was 31 years ago. My parents made me pay for it myself which didn't make me very happy because I had wanted to buy a certain pair of shoes with my saved money. It taught me a lesson when I had to pay a ticket with my hard earned money instead of buying those shoes and to this day I watch my speed.

  2. At the age of 50 years young - NONE!

  3. at 80 plus - exactly 0, but I don't drive too far from home now.

  4. 12 6 earned 6 by police error many years ago. Before accurate radar.

  5. 1 in 40 yrs. was 16 when that happened.

  6. 1 in 45 years, speed camera on 13 at 7:45 p.m. in July.

  7. to many in the past, now I just wait for the trooper racing by at 80 and tag him! cause everyone knows the laws don't apply to them!


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