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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today's Survey Question 9-18-12

Should Anti-Islam Filmmakers Be Thrown in Jail?


  1. No. They should be sent to the Middle East.

  2. First Amendment says NO.

  3. For what? They've committed no crime. Those people in Libya however...

  4. No, but all Socialists should be.

  5. No, according to the law, but not everyone is law abiding. I would be watching my back if I were him. Everyone is responsible for the consequences of their actions.

  6. This country was founded on Freedom of Speech. I understand that this film was inflammatory to some people but things are said every day that are inflammatory to Christians and Americans but we don't kill people over those remarks. We all have to conduct ourselves in a civilized matter. If we disagree with what is said there are civilized avenues to protest this but you just don't go out and kill people.

  7. 11:11 Why should they be sent to the Middle East?

  8. I cannot believe u agree with Alex , but no .

  9. There have been anti Christ movies before and it was never an excuse to riot and kill people. Muslims are just a bunch of barbarians. They don't want peace, never wanted peace, Don't know what peace is.

  10. I don't find it "civilized" to insight violence with a film of that nature. Don't use freedom of speech as an excuse to be an idiot.

  11. That's just the problem 1:28, who defines what's "idiotic" and "offensive"? Eventually it gets to the point that what is acceptable will change with whims of whomever is in charge.

    We don't have the right to not be offended. Nor do we have the right to destroy life and property in order to express our indignation.

    Our recourse is to express ourselves much as you have.

  12. nothing to say but no. first amendment

  13. 11:11-I totally agree.Once in the middle east the filmmakers can exercize their freedom of speech and explain their actions to those animals.

  14. No!

    Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from stupidity.

    We shoulld repeal the laws of stupidity....those laws that keep stupid people from killing themselves when they do stupid things.....

  15. we have freedom of speech and a free will. we have the right to be stupid, but that doesn't mean the consequences are jail. if we break the "law", that's a different story.

    of course this man shouldn't go to jail, but obama on the other hand should. why, because he broke the law and continues to do so. slime at it's best...

  16. The only person that should be in jail is President Obama for the following charges: Cowardice, Treason, Perjury, Murder, Theft and Corruption. He has shamed this country beyond repair.

  17. NO! And we should be fighting back, go out and kill a Muslim to avenge 911, the ambasadors death, and just for the fun of it!

  18. Should Anti-Islam Filmmakers Be Thrown in Jail?

    For what?



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