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Friday, September 14, 2012

Today's Survey Question 9-14-12

Are Prisoners Entitled to Sex Changes?


  1. No, and they shouldnt have tv or weight rooms or any other stuff. Bread and water with hard labor everyday.

  2. No elective medical procedures or operations should be allowed.

  3. No.Not on tax payer dollars for sure. They can do what ever they want once they get out with their own funds.

  4. Obama, Jim Ireton and other democrats think so.

  5. Sure, as long as they pay for it and no tax dollars are used.
    If they want to mutilate themselves let them go for it.

  6. Absolutely NOT, they are entitled to nothing as far as I'm concerned.

  7. NO. They have too many 'privileges' as it is. Want a sex change? You better have the cash to pay for it!!!

  8. They aren't entitled to anything hence being in jail.


  9. Most have already been changed by bubba.

  10. i am a democrat and my answer is no! no! no! no! no! no!.....if your in jail you should sit in a dark room other than the hours you spend either picking up trash on the highway or digging holes and refilling them. When i was punished as a child i never had any toys or anything like that to keep me occupied. It was an a** whooping then sent to my room to 'think about what i had done'. lol Not all democrats are idiots. Just the same way not all republicans are old rich white people. lol. There are some of us with some common sense left. I promise.

  11. Only if I'm the one making the change , I'll asure you they will never be a problem when they enter society , if they ever do.

  12. Really, they should be entitled to the basic necessity in food, clothing and shelter and thats it. Its not a vacation.

  13. No, absolutely not. They should receive general and emergency health care. Elective procedures are exactly that, elective; and should not be paid for by tax dollars. I heard about this case last week and was astonished at the decision that was rendered by the judge in the matter... What is he thinking...

  14. No. Not even if they pay for it. They still have to be transported to all appointments and have to have guards with them as well.

  15. 1:06-One of the Fox News Channel talk programs has a weekly segment about bad judge decisions in the US.Believe it or not,this is mild compared to some of the calls they've made.

  16. Oh my God, NO WAY! What is this country coming to? Prisoners are not
    "entitled" to anything, they are blessed in this country to receive food, lodging, and health care if they are ill.
    Good grief, if we start paying for elective surgeries like sex changes, why not breast implants, and tummy tucks too?? Come on America, wake up!

  17. I have a cost effective solution...I would volunteer to change any rooster to a hen with one shot.

  18. The only sex change they should get is their thing cut off and call them "it".

  19. No and there if it has to be done for bul---it "humane" reasons then have someone else pay for it AFTER the victims are compensated.
    Time to be real and forget about stupid


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