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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today's Survey Question 9-12-12

What's the largest amount of money you ever found?


  1. A couple years ago, while walking, I found $1,100 in an envelope. The envelope also contained a deposit slip from a local church that said it was to be deposited to send kids to Summer camp. Found the church and returned the money that day.

  2. Most people find pennies (from heaven) I find dimes and in the most unusual places.
    Must be someone in heaven really thinking of me.
    I hope it is good luck :)

  3. Don't know, found a day timer once, opened it up and saw a bunch of $20 bills and credit cards. I closed it up and took it to the police station that was right there. Hopefully they got it to the owner.

  4. $100 bill in a store once

  5. I lost that $100.00 bill in the Walmart.

  6. $20 when I was about 12 yrs old in a parking lot.

  7. $50 when I was 10 and walking to a friends house. I spent the money to buy christmas presents for my family.

  8. Found an arrowhead worth $1000

  9. $6,000,000,000,000.00
    Thank you very much.
    B.O. Obama

  10. Found 2 $20 dollar bills one day, the very next day found another $20. Found these while I was running. The largest single find was a $50 dollar bill rolled up like a straw.

    I walk and run about 40 miles each week, I always pick up the coins I come across. On average I find $300 to $350 dollars annually. Exercise can be profitable.

  11. 112.00 on top of a Ice Cream freezer.It was in a bank envelope.

  12. $30.00. took it in the store to customer service. girl behind the counter said to keep it. if i left it, someone there would just stick it in their pocket. it would never be seen again whether i kept it or left it for them.

  13. $100 bill in the pocket of my ski jacket when I got it out if storage at the start of Winter in MN

  14. 50 dollar Bill lying in puddle outside of a restaurant


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