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Friday, September 21, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 9-21-12

The best thing I've done for my children is _____.


  1. Teach them how to read, how to balance a checkbook, how to think independently and how to say thank you. I have shared other lessons of life but these stand out for me and for them.

  2. not have any. I'm way too young! It wouldn't ruin my life, it would probably ruin theirs though

  3. Taught them right from wrong.

  4. let them go and grow up!

  5. give them all my love no matter what.

  6. Tell them to always vote Conservative Republicans!

  7. Raise them in Church.

  8. love them unconditionally.

  9. Love them and show them the way , the way of our Lord.
    Of course , buy them a house , after all they can't get a job.

    Tell them and teach them that Obama is Satan! His followers are the devils angels.

  10. The best is yet to come.

  11. Taught them the values that our parents taught us. Out of style things like work hard, mind your manners, be respectful of others, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. You know, conservative principles. If Obummer and OweMalley really wanted to do something for their country they would leave it.

  12. Love them,but give them space to become what they were intended to be.We as parents do not know exactly what our kids are supposed to become and accomplish in life.Crowding them and insisting they follow a specific path does not always work.Space,but not too much space,is my most important contribution to my children.

  13. Move them out of Salisbury school district and into Pittsville.

  14. As an adendum to my pevious comment its a shame I have to send my oldest back to HS in Salisbury. Us on the East end of Wicomico deserve our own High School.
    No upgrades to current schools until we het a high school!!

  15. Integrity. Honesty. Generosity. Love. Faith.


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