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Friday, September 21, 2012

Time For An Intervention

What should Mitt Romney do now? He should peer deep into the abyss. He should look straight into the heart of darkness where lies a Republican defeat in a year the Republican presidential candidate almost couldn’t lose. He should imagine what it will mean for the country, for a great political philosophy, conservatism, for his party and, last, for himself. He must look down unblinkingly. And then he needs to snap out of it, and move. He has got seven weeks. He’s just had two big flubs. On the Mideast he seemed like a political opportunist, not big and wise but small and tinny. It mattered because the crisis was one of those moments when people look at you and imagine you as president. Then his comments released last night and made months ago at the private fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla. Mr. Romney has relearned what four years ago Sen. Barack Obama learned: There’s no such thing as private when you’re a candidate with a mic. There’s someone who doesn’t like you in that audience. There’s someone with a cellphone. Mr. Obama’s clinger comments became famous in 2008 because when people heard what he’d said, they thought, “That’s the real him, that’s him when he’s talking to his friends.” More


  1. Mitt's done, sad too, but i think he was picked to loose.

  2. 2:58 You are so right Mitt is the fill in candidate this time. The real Republicans are waiting till next election.

  3. Looking forward to Chris Christy 2016.

  4. You can still write in for Ron Paul. Please join me in that.

  5. What is wrong with you people? The American people are surely smarter than to let Obama have another term in office!

  6. 9:59 I so hope you are right. If Obama wins again this country will become unrecoverable.

  7. 9:59:
    No, they're not. Alas!

  8. Who knows,maybe the Electoral College will lean Republican this time like they did in 2000.


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