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Sunday, September 09, 2012



  1. We, as a country, have lost traditional values. This nation really needs to back up and see what is going on. I don't think God is very happy with what this country has become. GOD BLESS AMERICA !!

  2. I am a registered Democrat. That display turned my stomach. I will no longer be voting Democrat in the presidential election. I am sure that Ireton and Mitchell were booing right along with them. God Bless America!

  3. 12:04 Amen to that! God Bless America!

  4. I totally agree John!! We are losing our forefathers values & morals and we desperately need to return!

  5. democrats need to take a good look at the current condition of their party and the platform of the party.

    heathens at best.

  6. It clearly was not a 2/3 majority that voted to put God back in the democratic platform but they went ahead and put it back in anyway.
    While I do not agree with God being removed from the beginning I can't believe that they went ahead and passed the vote against the rules.
    The democrats spit in the face of democracy and did it with their most ardent party supporters. If that doesn't tell the democratic voters that they mean nothing more than a vote to the democrats and their voices do not count I don't know what does. No matter a person's feelings on God and whether it's in or out those people at the convention should feel mortified that to the party elite they are nothing more than butts to fill the seats.

  7. i hope we still have some blue dog Democrats left.

  8. Something similar happened in the Republican convention with regards to Ron Paul's delegates from Maine. Do you need anymore proof that we no longer have a democracy? Both parties have demonstrated they don't care about the rank and file. I'm voting 3rd Party wherever practical from now on.

  9. I find it curious that many condemn the involvement of Shuria Law in Islamic countries, but think that the United States needs more Christian influence. Perhaps, the Founding Fathers realized the threat this posed to a free society, and, thus tried to insure the separation of church and state.

  10. well you cant boo something that doesnt exist

  11. "Only a fool says in their heart there is no God."

  12. 9:48 foolish, foolish thinking....

  13. 9:48 Good for you. Christian superior attitude is no different than the muslim. Organised religion is evil.

  14. 12:49 you are as clueless as 9:48.
    Why don't you look at how Sharia affects women before you make stupid statements.

  15. 1:09. And Catholics are so pro wonen.

  16. 3:35 Instead of making meaningless comments why don't you try to explain your point.

  17. Republicans: The party that tries to force its religious agenda on everyone.


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