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Friday, September 14, 2012

This Man


  1. This man had morals and integrity, lost characteristics these days!!

  2. And neither will Mitt!

  3. He was a real man, unlike this lying muslim wimp we have now.

  4. No he didn't, but he raised taxes 11 times, raised debt ceiling 17 times. He turned US from a creditor nation into a debtor nation.
    I'm not even talking about the Star Wars defense

  5. Obama can not blame anyone on this latest mess he created. I hope it get shoved right back at him at election time, just like it got shoved to the ambassador.
    The absolute worst part is that while this poor man was being sodomized, dragged half dead through the steets of Libya and then brutally murder Obama shortly thereafter went out campaigning.

  6. Where are all the comments on this blog? Everybody riding their bike?


  7. Thanks for the reminder. Reagan did have a huge mess that Carter left him and had our economy turned around with 24 months. I expect the same from Mitt.

  8. president reagan had too much class for that and so does romney.

    obama is classless lowlife.

  9. He might not have mentioned Carter by name but he made statements like "when we first came here..."

  10. The original VooDoo economics deficit spender.

  11. I'm voting for Mitt,but he too is a blamer,as he has constantly demonstrated during the campaign.About 2 years into his presidency our economy will have significantly improved.However,when a hiccup does occur don't think for a second he won't mention Obama's name.

  12. He Spent the last four years reciting "I Don't Recall"...


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