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Saturday, September 08, 2012


A few months ago, my older brother emailed me with an interesting observation. “If you spend your whole life doing the right thing,” he wrote wearily, “you don’t get any credit for it. You can be responsible, save money, work your way through college, not be in debt, not have kids out of wedlock, keep up with your mortgage payments … no matter what you do, you don’t get any credit for it. But let someone mess up and they’re showered with all the things I had to work hard for my whole life.”
My brother isn’t the only one to note this trend of entitlements. From my column a few weeks ago called “We ain’t got no self-control,” a reader named “bdsunrise” said it beautifully: “All I can see is beggars, especially the young. Beggars and dead weight. The working mules are getting tired. Tired and old. I can easily see the young beggars kicking your door in and making you pay for years of doing the right thing.”
With the elections coming on, there’s been a lot of focus on the economic disparity in this nation. Our politicians are doing their best to foster class warfare by spotlighting the “haves” versus the “have nots.” What is seldom addressed is WHY the “haves” have, and why the “have nots”don’t have.


  1. Sooo tru,

    I have never heard a more honest or accurate explanation of what this country is becoming. And yes I am tired of taking care of these beggers.

    And the reason I cannot sign my name is because it may cause me to lose business (I am one of the tired mules).

  2. the haves have becasue they get up every day and work for it. The havenots dont have cause all they do all day is conspire on how to take it from you. try and come and get it, I got a nice .40 cal slug waiting for ya's! And I'm tired of supporting your lazy ignorant asses!

  3. My 30 y/o niece wrote on Facebook the other day that we need a democratic congress and to vote Obama in for another 4 years. This mentality really scares me. She obviously doesn't get upset when she has to go out and work a job she hates so she can pay her own way in life.Then be taxed to death so that some lazy, useless citizen that won't work get a free ride. Why doesn't this make her mad? Why does she want to pay for someone besides herself to have healthcare?Why doesn't this make her mad and make her NOT want to vote for Obama?


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