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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Cowboy And The Empty Chair

Much ponderous, chin-stroking analysis has followed the Republican National Convention’s un-highlight — the 10-minute monologue by the erstwhile Dirty Harry/Blondie/Rowdy Yates when Clint Eastwood conversed with an empty chair.

What could it mean? Who allowed him to do that? What in the world were Republicans thinking?

And then The Thoughtful Ones commenced: What a waste of network time, a distraction from Mitt Romney’s moment. A faux narrative that keeps facts at bay and silliness front and center. It was disrespectful to the president. This is what it’s come to . . . .



  1. Maybe Clint knew more than most. The DNC has cancelled the stadium and moving Obama's acceptance speech to another venue that holds 50,000 LESS audience. That's a lot of EMPTY SEATS in a stadium.

  2. I watched clint, I did not see it as a joke... more I saw it symbolizing Obama's 1st (and hopfully last) term. The lights are on and no one's home! He doesn't need a big stadium for rallys just look at the little tents set up all over town there giving out obamy phones isn't that buying votes!!!

  3. This whole convention is turning into a nightmare for the democrats. The omission of God and Jerusalem in their platform has overshadowed all the speeches last night. Now they've readded both to the language no doubt because Obama's numbers erroded overnight. It's been one blunder after another. Wasserman Schultz caught lying again at a breakfast in honor of the Charlotte jewish community and our own Omalley's "we are not better off" then "yes we are better off."

  4. Clint dissed the Prez in a manner not approaching the dissing by the Prez of our great country.
    Speaking of faux narratives, how's the DNC convention going? Not getting much ink.

  5. I loved what Clint did. I see it as an empty chair in the White House...a president who is never in it!

  6. Dems were going to bring out the "empty suit", but again, there's nothing to hang it on.


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