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Saturday, September 01, 2012

The Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words

Thumper the Rabbit's parents always taught him, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." If the left's self-appointed Omniscient Diviners of True Meaning have their way, conservatives in the public square won't be left with anything at all to say. Ever.

It's a treacherous business exercising your freedom of speech in the age of Obama. As a public service, I present to you: "The 2012 Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words." Decoder rings, activate!

—Angry. On the campaign trail this summer, President Obama has become — in the words of the mainstream Associated Press — more "aggressive." But don't you dare call him "angry." According to MSNBC host Toure, that's racist!



  1. Everything is racist these days; that's the Democrats agenda, since they don't have positive acccomplishmendt to go on! Buying groceries with or without an independence card; racist. what movie you went to, whether you have a dog, what you buy in the store, who your friends/ enemies are, what your religion is. Hell, even being a good christian these days is somehow in the minds of AL, Jesse,n and Barack's Revrund has to make you a racist. Probably if you prefer having a dog over a cat will do. The Party of I HATE YOU HAS SET THE RULES AND THE MANTRA!

    Time to turn these folks out to pasture!

  2. i can help with the handbook of codewords...
    when i say i think obama is an a-hole what i really mean is that i think obama is an a-hole

  3. Omalley was hearing code words coming out of the GOP convention.

  4. presbo sucks is really code for presbo sucks!


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