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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Teen Birth Control: Doctors Urge IUDs And Implants For Girls

Teenage girls may prefer the pill, the patch or even wishful thinking, but their doctors should be recommending IUDs or hormonal implants — long-lasting and more effective birth control that you don't have to remember to use every time.


  1. i highly disagree with the iud the doctors tell you the only way to get this form of birth control is if ur in an monogamous relationship...so i don't see how teens should use it???

  2. Yup - so they can microchip you without your consent.

  3. Abstinence before marriage. Why are teens having sex?

  4. @12:11 Teens are having sex because... they are teens?

    Just because you don't agree with it, you teach them different and you tell them it's best to wait... doesn't mean they won't rebel and make their own decisions.

    Part of growing up is learning from your elders... another part is learning from mistakes.


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