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Sunday, September 23, 2012


To be clear, this attack and this massive loss of airpower happened last week. The reason this information might be news to you over a week later is due to our media's depraved indifference to reporting any truth that might hurt Barack Obama's reelection chances. John Hudson at "The Atlantic" has the story but his angle is entirely wrong. He blames the lack of coverage of this disaster -- or at least coverage with the proper perspective -- on the fact that after ten years of war, Americans have become desensitized to these kinds of reports. But we all know that's utter hokum. The Taliban attack on an air base in southern Afghanistan on Friday drew coverage for the way the insurgents cloaked themselves in U.S. army uniforms to gain a tactical advantage, but few have taken note of the historical proportions of the damage inflicted. John Gresham, at the Defense Media Network, has published a detailed account of the attack on Camp Bastion, in which two Marines were killed, six U.S. Marine Corps jet fighters were destroyed, and two more "significantly" damaged. Those facts were all carried in most reports, but if that just sounds like a typical damage report from a decade-long war, you're wrong. Gresham explains the devastating damage done to VMA-211, the name of the Marine Corps attack squadron that was most affected last week, noting that it is "arguably the worst day in [U.S. Marine Corps] aviation history since the Tet Offensive of 1968."



  1. Reminds me of the Clinton administration when Osama Bin Laden was attacking our embassies and the USS Cole. No one was paying attention.

    Until 9/11 when the liberal media went wild blaming Bush whose presidency had just started. But I'm proud that Bush didn't spend the next 8 years blaming the Clinton administration for their failure to act.

  2. obama must be stopped by any means possible , and I do mean any way in hell. what the hell is wrong with the media? are they nuts?
    wonder why a civil war is almost here. I pray every day for him to evaporate or someone to evaporate him.

  3. A Lt. Commander was killed in this attack by hostile Muslims. Where are the protesters? Where are the masses of Americans demanding accountability?
    We are at war.
    Now our assets in the Middle east and Japan threatened and at risk.
    Where is the diplomacy from the preemptive Nobel peace prize winner Obama?

    And exactly where is the investigative MSM we saw during Bush on this?
    In Obama's back pocket.
    Silenced. Controlled. Deflective.
    Promoting his Marxism.

  4. Reminds me of Ronny Reagan setting all this up back in the 80s to fight them ruskies. Here we go again....

  5. The "Wake Island Avengers" will hopefully get resupplied with more harriers from Davis-Monthan and change their name to "Camp Bastion Avengers"...or maybe they'll get the first batch of F-35B Lightning II's. Either way, it's gonna be 'open-season' with a fresh batch of no-bag-limit licenses...

  6. They should have let Oliver North kill bin laden instead of throwing him under the bus back in the '80's.

    Shoulda woulda coulda ...but didn't.

  7. The sight of us running for our lives (and leaving our honor on the fields behind us) must be comforting to the thousands of moms and dads who won't be having such a great Christmas anymore. And to the ones who came back without eyes, arm, and legs. What, exactly, are our accomplishments there? I mean, other than the gross enrichment of the corporations that supply the war materials. Who also happen, coincidentally I'm sure, to be huge, multimillion dollar contributors to BOTH campaigns (and buddies, too, if you can believe it..). Its a small world, you know...

  8. Has the MSM been given some sort of threat by the Obama Admin if they disclose stories like this?If not,what is their problem?


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