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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Suicide Is Now The Number One Cause Of Injury-Related Death In The US

Around the time of recession rocked the United States, its population experienced a disturbing shift: Today, suicide takes more American lives than any other form of injury. Between 2000 and 2008 motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death by injury, but suicide surpassed car crashes in 2009, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Public Health. The switch is the culmination of a decade-long trend; the rate of death by suicide increased by 15 percent over the past ten years, while the unintentional motor vehicle crash death rate dropped by 25 percent during that same period. The study didn’t specifically factor in economic conditions, but many have speculated that the downturn may be responsible for a boost in suicides in America and around the world. In Greece, the suicide rate for men rose by 24 percent between 2007 and 2009, according to The New York Times. Suicides motivated by economic crisis grew by 52 percent in Italy in 2010. In England, unemployment may be tied to more than 1,000 suicides, according to a recent paper in the British Medical Journal. More


  1. That is because the way the economy is no work can not pay your bills leads to marital problems and alot of stress where the money will come from. Homelessness,hunger,depression, etc. People feel they would be better off dead then there is no worries.

  2. No NO NO NO its not because of the job situation it may be a contributing factor but the real cause is the corrupt BIG PHAMRA and its addictions it fosters. The terrible side effects of the anti deprrive drugs are the cause. They are causing mass suicides among the US troops and now the GP???.You all better wake up this has FDA written all over it!! How many more drug stores do we need?? One on every corner to numb you to the robbing of our country and freedoms.... They wont leagalize pot cause it would cure most of these "so called depressions" and coping type issues but no the big PHAMRA cant make tons of dollars if you grow your own..getting you hook and lobying for laws to keep pot and other natural cures supressed..They dont want to cure squat..They want to hook you and drain you dry of your money.. They can profit off of you more if they keep you alive!! instead of curing what ails you...

  3. I agree 6:31. We are an overmedicated society.


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