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Friday, September 28, 2012

Student Debt Stretches To Record Levels

With college enrollment growing, student debt has stretched to a record number of U.S. households — nearly 1 in 5 — with the biggest burdens falling on the young and poor.

The analysis by the Pew Research Center found that 22.4 million households, or 19 percent, had college debt in 2010. That is double the share in 1989, and up from 15 percent in 2007, just prior to the recession — representing the biggest three-year increase in student debt in more than two decades.

The increase was driven by higher tuition costs as well as rising college enrollment during the economic downturn. The biggest jumps occurred in households at the two extremes of the income distribution.



  1. But wait Obama has turned the economy around and he inherited this mess blah blah. What a joke. Proof is in the pudding!

  2. Time for another lecture from my favorite commentor.You know,the one who insists how college grads do so much better and make so much more money than non grads.He/she always provides us with actual earnings stats & comparisons.That person must not have seen this post yet.


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