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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


With 16 videos uploaded by Mother Jones on YouTube showing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s remarks at a private fundraiser in May, one may wonder how a hidden camera was missed for such a rising, high-profile individual. Wouldn’t certain security measures have been taken if Romney were going to make “off the cuff” comments that had the potential to be misconstrued by those seeking to mince his every word?
First, a little background: Today we learned that former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson, James Carter IV, facilitated the connection of the person who allegedly filmed the event – “Anne Onymous”   on YouTube — and Mother Jones writer David Corn, who uploaded the videos Monday. The short clips show a small, grainy Romney with the surroundings indicating it was a formal dinner. The camera appears to be hidden at the bar as a carafe of wine is present in some of the clips and an arrangement that could be a plant is seen as well.  It is unknown if it is a cellphone or another type of recording device that captured the footage.


  1. He spoke truths that no one wants to hear...but it's truth, nonetheless.

  2. The Democrat spin machine is running with this one "fast and furious". How can they look at themselves in the mirror with out apoligizing to their mothers. So much for Lying Obamas promise 4 years ago to run a civil campaign and change the way elections are run in this country , to remove negativity and run on your record. Thats right, his record is one of failure, the numbers don't lie. VOTE HIM OUT!!!

  3. More buffoonery first thing this morning. Ok you two, since Romney spoke such well known "truths", how about you provide us with a link to support his claim that those 47% who don't pay income taxes are freeloaders waiting on a handout.

  4. Of course no one is getting the full recording or even a complete transcript but it's obvious what Romney meant. He was talking that he is counting on Obama getting in the 46-48 percent range of votes and that it was the approx 6% of undecided that he needed to convince. He told the audience it was most likely not worth even attempting to convince the 47% that don't pay taxes and the ones who have made a career out of begging for entitlements.

    What's predictable is the democrats running with this and their good little compliant conformist non thinking followers aren't even asking for the complete transcript so they can make their own informed decision.
    But they had to twist and spin something....anything so as to take the focus off the Jihad that Obama built.

  5. Exactly lmclain and not one single democrat even thinks to ask for a complete transcript. They swallow what they are fed blindly because they are such good followers, not thinking, not questioning, nothing except doing what they are told.
    The compliance that the democrat supporters exhibit is mindboggling. It's like they are programmed to not ask questions and their common sense has been replaced with compliance to the party no matter the issue.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    "More buffoonery first thing this morning. Ok you two, since Romney spoke such well known "truths", how about you provide us with a link to support his claim that those 47% who don't pay income taxes are freeloaders waiting on a handout.

    September 19, 2012 7:06 AM"

    How about someone anyone providing everyone with a link with the full transcript of Romney's comments?
    That will never happen because once again it would prove what liars these people are.

  7. Guys, the full transcript and vid of the entire proceedings are readily available. Talk about kool aid.

    "not worth even attempting to convince the 47% that don't pay taxes"

    Clown, that 47% includes a ton of the GOP. Judging by the tax and election data, that 47% includes a large proportion of citizens from predominantly GOP states. The man slapped his own base in the face, yet you or too drunk off the kool aid to see.

  8. And I guarantee Imclain and the rest of your screaming about soundbites were screaming about Obama's "cling to guns and religion" line which was way shorter than the 60 second Romney clip. So cut the phony outrage and hypocrisy.

  9. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax."

    When are you going to get it though you head 8:14 that Romney was talking about a percentage of voters who will vote for Obama regardless and not about the percentage of people who don't pay fed income tax. Read the before sentence which I provided. It's plain as day but of course the ignorant Obama supporters can't see the forest through the trees. Reminds me of their mantra about Obamacare~~~ "now we won't be denied healthcare" when in fact it is healthcare coverage. The stupidity of how they blindly run with something is amazing!

  10. Nope not me 8:54 I didn't say a word. Not much on religion but I love and do cling to my gun.
    I'm also not outraged at all that the Obama supporters are clinging to a few soundbites without hearing the full transcript. I just consider the source and take it from there. If the party told them the earth was flat they would cling to it like it was fact.

  11. Now who is the clown 8:14? For 2 days you have been insistant that the 47% Romney referred to was the percentage of those who pay no fed income tax.
    BTW this quote was copied directly from the Mother Jones site.
    You are typical of the Obama supporters-that 47%. That 47% who can also be counted on to run with a 5 second soundbite totally dismissing what was really said and not even caring.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    Guys, the full transcript and vid of the entire proceedings are readily available. Talk about kool aid."

    Well you better let Mother Jones know the full transcript and video is readily available 8:14 because now they are saying that some is "missing."

  13. The idea that all the President's supporters are people who live off the system is wrong and stupid.

  14. 813,

    #1 the soundbite was over 60 seconds

    #2 it's getting just plain boring. Spin all you want. The man highlights the 47% of non income tax payers at the same time he calls out 47% of people supporting Obama (even though Obama won with 53%). Its not rocket science. But I guess when one is stuck on ideology they'll always follow the convenient narrative, not the facts right in front of them.

    #3 Even Romney doesn't dispute the authenticity of the comment. He doubled down on the statement

    #4 just listen to the crud you and others spout here. You actually believe the welfare queens in cadillacs narrative, even though all the data show its not true.

  15. Give me a break! The Republicans have had their own tactic pulled on them.
    BOTH sides have done this same sort of thing!
    For the Republicans to start whining and claiming that the Democrats are "taking out of context" is laughable!
    They've been doing this same thing for years!
    One side is NO different than the other when it comes to trickery in politics!
    For ANY of you to be siding with one side or the other in this instance is just ridiculous!
    All you people need to focus LESS on this BS and look up your own information on candidates and make up your OWN mind instead of basing your opinion on what each party puts out in the media for the "soundbite of the day".
    If not, you'll just vote for the side who happens to put out the most "soundbites". That's a real informed decision, don't you think?
    Wake up!

  16. "Anonymous said...
    The idea that all the President's supporters are people who live off the system is wrong and stupid.

    September 19, 2012 9:40 AM"

    Not at all. Look into the history of what is referred to as "community organizers." Maybe "all" isn't quite right but an overwhelming majority is correct.

  17. The only reason Obama won was because of the dregs of society were focused on by the commuinity organizers and resulted in a higher than normal voter turn out. These dregs include the criminal element, and the baby machine Welfare Kings and Queesns and also the "Peggy the Moocher" types who made no secret that they voted for Obama because---direct quote from Peggy the Moocher herself----

    "“Because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know. If I help [Obama], he’s gonna help me.”

  18. 10:05 do the math. According to your argument, his support would have to have come from the 47% non income tax payers. Meaning for him to get 47%+ of the vote, all the non income tax payers would have had to go his way. Now does this really make sense?

  19. No 10:46. 47% or thereabouts of Obama votes came from NOT ONLY non income tax payers but also the entitlement crowd, the criminal element, Welfare Kings and Queens and Peggy the Moocher types because community organizers targeted these types to vote for Obama. They created a whole new group of voters who had never voted before. Records were set for newly registered voters in the 2008 election. State laws in democratically run states were changed to allow felons to vote.
    For the first time ever the dregs and sponges of society voted en mass. And they voted for Obama and that puts alot of people out of touch with Obama. Alot of people do not relate to these dregs who want everything for free.

  20. This just in - over 7000 millionaires paid no income tax in 2011. This does not include people who have a lot of money sitting in bank accounts. This is in regards to 7000 people who were actually paid 1 million +.

    But that seems perfectly fine to you all, correct?

  21. HaHaHa 11:36~~Keep falling for the democratic spin. The key word which is missing is "income." These "7000 millionairs" being referred to is their net worth. Alot of these "millionairs" include farmers who are sitting on million dollar farms which produce no where near million dollar incomes or a busniess owner such as in a restaurant where building and equipment is worth a million or more.

  22. These '7000 millionaires' are like my inlaws who in the 60's purchased their house in McLean VA and then a condo in the early 80's in Falls Church and also a condo in OC. Their total net worth is close to 2 million but their income from my father in laws pension is just around $40,000 a year.

  23. 11:36, Obviously, you must mean people with a million of INCOME to pay tax on.
    Having a million, or several, that you made and paid tax on before, but now just sits (say in the family farm worth milllions that really produces very little income as a farm), means little. And this is who they are claiming are the 7000 who pay no income tax now.
    Romney's comments are coming back to bite them, so they are now trying this angle.


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