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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sisters Running Illegal Va. Daycare Arrested For Keeping Babies In Car Seats In Bathrooms, Closets

Child Protective Services in Prince William County got a tip about a home-based daycare in the 14900 block of Abilene Way with very little supervision and they moved in.
When they arrived, they found 21 children, ages ranging from three months to four years old, with just two people watching them. 
"They had 21 kids in there, and they were unlicensed," Neighbor Sonya Powell-Davis says. "I'm surprised."


  1. Oh! they weren't licensed. State/county didn't get their cut.

  2. Licenses? We don't need no steenking Licenses!

  3. Screw the government. These children needed child care so their Mothers could work for a pittance.

    Was anyone hurt?

    Was any crime committed under common law?


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