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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Showdown in Chicago: Educators Aim To Teach Their ‘Bully’ Mayor A Lesson

CHICAGO — Rahm Emanuel is not big on ambiguity. He was thrilled, a few days before he took office last year, when the Illinois House voted 112 to 1 for a school improvement package that, among other things, made it harder for teachers unions to call strikes.
A “historic day of opportunity for kids in the city of Chicago,” he said after the vote. Rank-and-file teachers were less pleased, particularly when an Emanuel ally boasted, “The unions cannot strike in Chicago.”
Teachers are now on strike in Chicago— loudly and enthusiastically — and Emanuel (D) finds himself in a far more pointed and public battle than he had bargained for. Under a national spotlight, his famous dealmaking skills are being severely tested by an increasingly familiar set of schoolhouse issues seen in communities across the country as contentious and often personal.


  1. This is all a set up for Obama to come in and save the day...It's a hoax to help Obama's reelection efforts.

  2. I think so too 3:33 but now all this other stuff has broken out and this strike is overshadowed by the events in the Middle East. Almost sounds like karma or something

  3. Its a set up for sure.Rahm was paid for and elected by unions.

  4. Rahman is a dual citizen of the U S and Israel. His connections in the Union are vast. It is definitely a set up.

  5. He also is a political foe of Netanyahu, and we all know there is an intimate connection between Rahm and barak!
    At this point it does not matter who "saves" the day.
    Damage done.
    The teachers are pathetic excuses for educators. Unions Et Al should be shut down with the exception of organizing Holiday Festivities and education/workshops to improve teachers dismal statistics.
    Take the money away and give it back to the teachers. That way its taxable.

  6. I think you're partially right Anon 3:33, it seems like a setup to me too but I don't think it has anything to do with Obama saving the day.
    It probably has more to do with the PAC and Romney's other money buddies creating storms to make Obama look bad (which I don't get how a local/state level strike would do so) so that they can come in a save the day and criticize Obama all the while.
    There are ALWAYS political TRICKS in the year of an election for President, ALWAYS! You just have to work them out in your mind YOURSELF instead of quickly siding with one side or the other "because a lot of other people said, and because I can't think for myself".
    Make up your OWN minds people instead of just following other peoples lead, heck, some of them will lead you off a cliff!


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