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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Mother Jones, the left-wing magazine that released a controversial video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's remarks to a fundraiser in May, now admits that it has no full tape of what Romney said, and that its video is missing "one to two minutes" at the most important moment.

The Legal Insurrection blog's William Jacobson and The Blaze   both raised questions on Tuesday about whether Mother Jones had, as promised, revealed the full video, given an apparent jump cut in the critical section of Romney's remarks.


  1. They have released a little bit more because even they could not deny what they had released didn't make much sense and was chopped up and even the dumbest of democrats were quesioning it.

  2. This is nothing more that an attempt to distract away from the Jihad that Obama built.
    A poor attempt at spin that is coming back to bite them because they can not no matter how hard they try fool most people.

  3. Does it really matter that it's only a partial, in this case?
    The words spoken are the words, it doesn't matter, again, in this case, how much more there was, if any.
    Unfortunatly, Romney IS out of touch with the "average" American!
    I find that to be a real shame because we do need change and a new leader but Romney? I don't think so!

  4. Pretty funny that these wankers at Mother Jones all of a sudden located some more of the video. It's a darn shame that the recording device just happened to shut off unexpectedly in the middle of a point Romney was making. Darn shame.

  5. Grasping at straws. Romney is toast.

  6. To 9:36 your the one out of touch. What part of "this president has spent us into oblivion with no possible way out" don't you understand? Romney is not out of touch, the president is. Romney is a business man who understands $$$. Whether you like it or not because of his wealth (would you prefer a down and out with no clue of business running a country, but is in touch? or a wealthy business person who has the smarts, the plan and the means to right this ship that the current administration has just utterly destroyed? I could go on, but people like you will never "get it". btw-who would have? Who is "in touch" with your feelings to right this ship?

  7. "Unfortunatly, Romney IS out of touch with the "average" American!"

    I'm an average American and Romney is not out of touch with me. He's is correct. Obama is guaranteed approximately 47% of the vote. These voters include those who pay no federal income tax and the welfare entitlement seekers and crowd. Those people will never vote for Romney. This is what Romney said and truer words have not ever been spoken.
    YES it does matter that only a portion of the video was released! How can anyone make their own informed conclusion having on a fraction of the information? That question blows my mind, 9:36!

  8. 9:36 You sound young? Let me give you this piece of advice. Never ever settle for partial anything.
    Go for the full 100% in everything and refuse ever settle for anything less.

  9. Romney is perfectly in touch with me!

    Mother Jones just secured my vote for him with this release!

  10. 959 "These voters include those who pay no federal income tax and the welfare entitlement seekers and crowd"

    Check the data! This crowd gives the GOP 40%+ of its vote as well. So whats the point? Way to try again to spin Romney out of his own claptrap though.

    957 this is the second crap campaign Romney has ran so I'm not sure exactly how smart he is. And last I checked, an investor and businessman is 100% focused on making money, not creating jobs. I don't go for the "evil romney buisnessman" narrative, but you can't claim to be a job creator when your job was to create wealth regardless (and many times at the expense) of jobs.

  11. I cam't believe waht I am seeing in responses. What in the heck are you talking about out of touch????
    Roney is speaking the truth and certain pepole can't stand to hear it. He is absolutely correct in talking about a certain percentage of people will vote for the Muslim sympathizer Obama. This 47% want there free stuff and government checks and there ain't no way they will vote for Romeny. If people don't see the destruction Obama has done to this country then they are the ones out of touch.

  12. I am sorry to upset most of you loyal conservative voters out there, but this is a deal breaker for me. Reason, I feel that given the environment and audience he was speaking to, we heard the REAL Mitt, not the spin. I heard that he thinks I am a freeloader (I am on Social Security), that even though, I have worked every day of my life (and still have too), I am one of the entitlement leaches. This is coming from a elitist who is indeed out of touch ($200,000-$250,000 is the criteria for middle class), are you kidding me! It is very sad that we have only these two choices, so I will not vote for either.

  13. It's the recorders fault! If that damm recorder hadn't malfunctioned right at the most cricial moments of Romney's remarks we wouuld know exactly what he said!!!

  14. 11:02
    What a joke... socialist spin...
    You know if you have listened to him he is not talking about those that have earned social security benefits.
    You also know EXACTLY the demographic he is talking about. "The numbers keep going up. With a dismal economy and Barack Obama's encouragement of people to keep on programs like food stamps, the increase in welfare recipients has been dramatic. According to the Census Bureau, there are over 100 million people on means tested welfare. Not social security or medicare."
    Now will you pledge your Vote to Romney to RESET America?

  15. 1147 simple math shows your stance doesn't make sense. Either Romney is bashing all the 47% that doesn't pay income tax or he is wrong and Obama gets much of his support from the middle and upper class as well. Whats funny is you would rather listen to Romney the clown than go after the data yourself.

  16. 12:44
    Chuck, Chuck, Chuck...
    You can't spin the truth.
    47% is of registered VOTERS.
    Not total population.
    Even my 5th grader knows that.
    There are over 106,000,000 (that's million) people on means tested welfare. EXCLUDING social security and medicare. More under the Obama regime than ever in our history.
    You need to learn more than simple liberal math and get up to speed with Romney/Ryan!

  17. No use talking to 12:44, 2:10.
    When someone is that indoctrinated they will refuse to admit under any circumstance that they are wrong. Even after Mother JOnes publication was shamed into publishing more of Romney comments that explicitly said it was voters it still won't sink into 12:44's head.

  18. 12:44 it has not a thing in the world to do with simple math. Now you are starting to talk out your butt with some lame attempt to do what is anyone's guess. All that matter is this taken directly from the source that first "broke" this earth shattering story-Here is what Romney said------
    "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement."

    This is what he said and this comes directly from the Mother JOnes site. Now go over there and argue with them that what Romney really meant was 47% of people who don't pay income tax when he clearly didn't say that at all. They are delusional and will eat right up what you say.

  19. I love the REAL Mitt. He's telling it like it is and not sugar coating anything. Good for him. The lowlife have taken over the voting system and he knows it as does half of the country.

  20. I agree with everything the man says, but anyone who thinks this tape is not damaging to the Romney/Ryan campaign is deluded.

  21. I'm deluded then...
    Th MSM is doing a service...
    It's called blowback!
    This does nothing BUT secure Independents and energize the base!

    Responsible people that care about America will vote for
    The others will vote for the "redistribution" president.
    The Marxist.

  22. can't say it enough; Never Trust a Liberal".


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