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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Rush Limbaugh: Clint Eastwood ‘got under Obama’s skin’

Rush Limbaugh is one of the few people praising Clint Eastwood’s rambling performance at the Republican National Convention, saying Friday that the Hollywood legend’s “great bit” involving an invisible President Barack Obama in an empty chair “got under Obama’s skin.”

“This is a great bit, and Eastwood was the essence of simplicity,” Limbaugh said, according to a transcript of his show. “How, if somebody’s not doing a job, you let ‘em go. Just simple as it could be. Real world simple. Plus, it was hilarious. It was funny. Of course, we are people who like laughing at Obama. The other side doesn’t.”



  1. One of the few? What idiot didn't think Clint Eastwood's speech was incredible. Only a soft hearted or week Republican wouldn't think so. that is what is wrong with the party now.

  2. I would be interested in seeing how many actually liked the Eastwood speech instead of reading in the Media I didn't.

    My sister-in-law told me how disgusting the speech was and how it put the Republican party in a dreadful situation - ranting on and on, when I said Eastwood was spot on and hilarious. Come to find out she hadn't even heard the speech but was repeating her neighbor's and the media's opinions. She even told me how disgusted Ann Romney looked during the whole "ordeal". I played it for her twice on You tube and we could not find the scene she was so sure was shown on TV. One thing is for sure - the people at the GOP Convention liked it.

    Clint - you did sound a bit feeble at 82 but you sure Made my day.

  3. Naturally, the Dems and Libs are making a big deal out and this. Look at all the fun they had ripping Sara Palin to shreds four years ago.....it came back to bite them.
    They (the libs and dems) cannot stand it when things don't go their way!

  4. he was very funny. our family "got it" and thought he was spot on. the people at the convention did as well. Never, Never, Never listen to the pundits. go by your own commonsense and your gut.

    old; i don't think so. he just finished producing a movie. he knew exactly what he was doing and how he was doing it. go clint!!! go ahead and make my day...

  5. Obama will be even more made when we send him packing to Kenya November 6, 2012!!!!!

  6. I "got" it.. every inuendo and pundit was fantastic. And too true. If you didn't understand and enjoy it you must be a obama worshipper.

  7. 11:40:
    That's what democrats do... repeat what they heard from someone else. They can't make up their own minds or do any fcat checking on their own...wouldn't know how.


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