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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rosen Investigation Press Release


Delegate Mike McDermott (R), representing Maryland's Eastern Shore, is calling upon Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi to conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations of fraud committed by former 1st District Congressional Candidate Wendy Rosen. The former Democratic candidate was a challenger in the race against incumbant Congressman Andy Harris (R).

"At a time when many declare we should not be concerned about 'voter fraud', we have a poster child in disqualified 1st Congressional District Candidate Wendy Rosen" stated Delegate Mike McDermott. "These allegations must be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as a vigilent reminder that our elections are precious and must be protected".

Delegate McDermott has formerly requested the investigation to look into the allegations that Ms. Rosen voted in the states of Maryland and Florida during the same elections. The delegate went on to say, "Her (Rosen's) outrageous conduct has resulted in an attack on our strong two-party election process that should not go unpunished. We expect more from our electorate and we must demand our candidates lead by example".

Formal requests were filed with both Offices of the Attorney Generals Gansler (Maryland) and Bondi (Florida) requesting the investigation of alleged fraud committed by Rosen in their respective jurisdictions.


  1. Give here a break. She's a blond after all.

  2. She is a dem, so it is Ok. But people like Geoff Smoot and the Schmid woman from Ocean Pines think there is no voter fraud.

  3. Let's remember who turned her in...the Democratic Party. The one thing both parties can agree on...REAL voter fraud should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  4. ...and where do you think that information was gleened???HMMMMM...Opposition research which was then put in front of the State Dems...kind of a..."you deal with your problem or we will".

    This is the same party that tells us there is no voter fraud-get real!


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