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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Romney May Be The End Of The Line For The Republican Establishment

Mitt Romney’s comments about 47 percent of Americans being dependent on government and locked in to vote for President Obama highlight a fundamental reality in American politics today: The gap between the American people and the political class is bigger than the gap between Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C. Romney’s remarks are the GOP equivalent of Obama’s notorious comments about small-town Pennsylvania voters bitterly clinging to their guns and religion. Both Romney and Obama highlighted the condescending attitude that political elites hold of the people they want to rule over. A National Journal survey found that 59 percent of political insiders don’t think voters know enough to have meaningful opinions on the important issues of the day. That’s a handy rationalization for those who want to ignore the voters and impose their own agenda. More


  1. I think its more of a beginning for Americans to take back the the bloated Government, Preventing Obama's communism from spreading farther than it already has.

  2. don't go along with this crap. vote republican nov.6 as if your life depends on it, because it does.

    democrats are supposed to vote on nov. 7.

  3. Because if we lose,there will be only the democrats who will legalize 12 million illegal immigrants and they will vote for them only.

  4. More republicans should have backed Dr. Ron Paul. I may still write his name in and call it a day. Most of the party ate itself from within.

  5. He may be the end of the line for the republican establishment , but, it may be the beginning of a war if he loses the election.
    Not a question of it happening , it a matter of when.

  6. Agreed 5:10. That is why the government is purchasing hollow points at the rate they are. They know what is coming as well as you and I do. It is exactly what they want-an excuse to eradicate the dissenters.

  7. Dr. Paul was the best hope of the country. Romney is just like Obama, more wars, mandated healthcare, people are corporations, same sex marriage, pro gun control, etc...

  8. . I may still write his name in and call it a day. Most of the party ate itself from within.

    September 22, 2012 4:47 PM

    And you will be wasting your vote. AND helping obammy win.


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