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Thursday, September 06, 2012

Reported Theft Of Romney Tax Records Being Probed

The Secret Service said Wednesday it is investigating the reported theft of copies of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's federal tax records during a break-in at an accounting office in Franklin. Someone claiming responsibility demanded $1 million not to make them public.

An anonymous letter sent to Romney's accounting firm and political offices in Tennessee and published online sought $1 million in hard-to-trace Internet currency to prevent the disclosure of his tax filings, which have emerged as a key focus during the 2012 presidential race. Romney released his 2010 tax returns and a 2011 estimate in January, but he has refused to disclose his returns from earlier years.


  1. Yea smells fishy too me...is this really what politics have come to?

  2. Why is it supposed to matter to Americans what Mitt Romney makes?

  3. Amateurs. Anonymous would have already published them.

    Agree that it's unimportant to me what Romney makes. Nor is his actual tax rate important to me (assuming his returns are on the up and up which I imagine they are).

  4. Democrats are such hypocrites!
    They point out the level of tax he legally paid using their tax laws (total control house/senate and presidency) and make him a demon because of it.

    People are stupid to believe their hype and class warfare propaganda.

  5. OMG I'm Just Saying quite a coincidence!

  6. It's important to know what Romneys made and what taxes he has not paid to see how many jobs he killed, under Bain capital.

  7. Another Watergate-type strategy obammy?


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