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Saturday, September 08, 2012

Racism! Racism! Racism!

This past February, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the late great Andrew Breitbart correctly predicted that this would be the year of the “dog whistle” election, that the media would hurl charges of racism at President Obama’s opponents at every opportunity. How right he was.

When the Republican National Convention got underway with great fanfare last week, the now-openly leftist media went all out to perpetuate their narrative that candidate Mitt Romney is “stoking the racial politics of yesteryear.” The ever-reliable propaganda organ known as The New York Times, for example, accused the Romney campaign of making the election about race, a case of psychological projection if there ever was one. It’s the progressive left that is doing their damnedest to make this election entirely about race. It’s the only weapon they have in their impotent arsenal.

In order to paint Republicans a whiter shade of pale, the media cut their RNC coverage of conservative speakers of color, and when they did acknowledge non-white conservatives, it was only to dismiss them as patronizing tokens. After all, to the left, non-white conservatives are white “on the inside” anyway – hence such derogatory labels as “Oreos” and “coconuts” – and are therefore just as racist as their white counterparts.



  1. Gerald, retired Detroit copSeptember 8, 2012 at 11:45 AM

    I just don’t understand what is so bad about being called a “Racist”, I mean so what if a person chooses to tell the truth in how he or she feels about someone. Whatever happened to calling a spade a spade? I was always told honesty is the best policy, don’t lie, don’t tell falsehoods, be truthful. I guess this new “Political Correctness” has made telling the truth and standing up for what YOU feel is right is no longer allowed, you have to be ashamed in how YOU feel...

  2. Well, with success stories like, Obama, Marion Barry, Jesse Jackson & Jr., Maxine Waters, John Lewis, Elijah Cummings, John Conyers, Charlie Rangel etc...
    Who wouldn't want to vote for competent politicians?
    Obviously these scumbags are not competent leaders.
    Their criminal,moral and racist histories prove it.

  3. Duh, do you mean like Jeff Gordon or Tony Stewart?They racist for a living.

  4. Works both ways. There's a tweet making the rounds that a) Romney's campaign slogan is "Keep America American" the same as the KKK back in the 20s and that b) Romney wants to abolish MLK day. Neither are true as far as I can tell. The slogan is "Believe in America" and has been dealt with on Snopes dot com. I can't find a direct quote where Romney wanted to abolish MLK day, but I can find page after page of angry people retweeting lies as truth and crying racism.


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