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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The surge of anti-American demonstrations, first in the Middle East and now throughout the Muslim world, has morphed into anti-Western opposition that is placing all that is Western in jeopardy, including assets, businesses and people themselves, says a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.  
Many of the demonstrations, prompted initially by a U.S.-produced film ridiculing Muhammad, apparently were delayed to coincide with the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, since the film actually first appeared last June.
All the violent demonstrations, especially against U.S. embassies, businesses such as KFC and even American schools, have been undertaken by more radical Sunni Salafists and groups associated with al-Qaida.


  1. Nice sign! Makes it clear who made the mess!

  2. LMAO 7:26!
    Exactly right.
    Mr. Nobel peace prize is reaping the benefits of the failed policies enabling these barbaric muslims to gain stronger footholds.

    He's oblivious to it riding the campaign trail lie train!
    Really?? skipping intel briefings before and after the most recent attacks?
    Playing golf more than attending those same meetings for the last 3+ years?
    His priorities do not represent mine.

  3. Wake up and smell the jihad that Obama built.

  4. Look at you people. Youre making this into a religious warfare again. Youre trying to say Christianity is better than Islam and vice versa, this is not a matter of religion.

    There are religious extremists on both sides of the aisle, so to blame Muslims as a whole for this is pretty ignorant and close-minded.

    Religion is the cause of all things "evil" in this world. This world will constantly be at war until religion is completely gone.

  5. 1025, this is 726, and you need to find Jesus FAST! I can't see in the first 3 comments anything about "religious warfare" other than 851 stating a fact that Obama built a Jihad. It is no one but you, my friend, turning yourself and as many others you can into a "religious warfare". You have nothing, and want us to join you. Not going to happen. God bless you.

  6. 10:25 How blind can you get? Whether you want to face the truth or not, it is about religious warfare. Religion is not the cause of all things evil except in the case of islam. You are obviously one of them, but how dare you compare your barbaric killers to Christians? There is no logical comparison. Just like the desperate commies in the white house, you are trying to push a lie that makes absolutely no sense. Or maybe you believe your own lie which makes you delusional. Whatever the case, people with all their marbles aren't buying it.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    Look at you people. Youre making this into a religious warfare again. Youre trying to say Christianity is better than Islam and vice versa, this is not a matter of religion"

    This is a matter of religion and Obama built it.
    Obama built the "religious warfare" by helping to overthrow secular regimes and have them replaced with religious, Islamist, extremist, militant, terrorist, Sharia law supporting governments.

  8. It wasn't Obama that pissed off the Middle East, just sayin'

  9. 9:51 are you really that naive? Do you think they respect Obama any more than they did Bush? Obama's drones, Bush's bombs...they all kill many innocents along with a very few bad guys.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    It wasn't Obama that pissed off the Middle East, just sayin'

    September 19, 2012 9:51 AM"

    This time it sure as hell was Obama that pissed off the middle east. He built this. Just keep sayin' until you are blue in the face but he built this and he owns it! Can't blame Bush nor anyone else on this try as you may.

  11. 1:33, yeah because Obama funnelled all that money over the last few decades to support middle eastern regimes that thwarted democracy and defaced human rights. Yep, all started with Obama.


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