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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Protesters Forced Back After Rushing Walls Of U.S. Embassy In Yemen

There were clashes Thursday between anti-U.S. protesters and Yemeni police at the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa. CBS News sources say a large group of protesters reached the walled compound, but failed to breach any of the buildings inside the compound as police fired warning shots to try to disperse the crowd.
All U.S. embassies and diplomatic posts were ordered to increase security measures Wednesday by President Obama, following the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Tuesday.
The number of protesters in Sanaa was estimated between 3,000 and 4,000, according to sources speaking to CBS News partner network Sky News.


  1. What we need to do is pull everyone out of the every embassy. Since then hate us so much, cut all aid to all these stupid countries. Then we don't allow anyone from these countries into our country. That solves part of our debt issues and the threat of violence against us.

  2. And we give these backwards countries Billions in aid every year. Sure, I know, it's to keep us on their good side to stabilize the region. Well enough is enough. It's time to cut the funding and use the money to super size our military again. If things get "unstable" and threaten the US or US interests abroad then use force to end the threat. When will we ever learn?

  3. that's what ron paul wanted/wants

  4. AMEN 6:40! Exactly what I've been saying for a long time now. That our fearless leader met with the MBh recently & gave them so much money just infuriates me!

  5. 50 marines in Libya and 2 warships isn't enough.
    Bring everybody HOME!

  6. Tunisia and now Iraq also.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    50 marines in Libya and 2 warships isn't enough.
    Bring everybody HOME!

    September 13, 2012 8:36 AM"

    I wish we could evacuate and bring all US citizens back home but it's too late. The embassies are surrounded by terrorists. The only hope those under siege have is that there are still some good decent Muslims in the crowd who will fight the extremists off.
    Sending only 50 Marines is foolish. These mobs at each embassy number in the 1000's.
    The next progession of this cluster Obama orchestrated is a hostage situation reminisce of Carter and Tehran.


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